15+ Tips to Avoid Teacher Burnout

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This time of the year can be stressful; meetings, district mandates, testing, schedules, finals, grades, emails, more meetings and the other 200+ things that happen in the springtime. Let’s throw in 2020-2021; COVID-19, hybrid learning, remote teaching, quarantines, and overall uncertainty.  Whether you are a first-year teacher or a seasoned veteran, this time of year can be tough both mentally and physically. It’s all too easy to find yourself stressed out and in a rut as the year winds down.

We often don’t think about how being burned out wears on us until it’s too late, once it happens it is going to be an uphill battle for the rest of the school year. Believe me, I’ve been there.

Here are a few things to help keep you on the right track:

  1. Get some sun! Step outside during your plan or lunch and soak up some rays!
  2. Leave work at work! Make home a place to relax and recover!
  3. Do something you enjoy at least once a week. Hike, bike, read a book, see a movie, etc.
  4. Get moving! It’s easy to put off a workout with all the stress of the end of the year. Make time for it! Even if it’s only 10 min! Practice what you preach!
  5. Start your day off right by listening to your favorite song!
  6. Dress for success! Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good!!!!
  7. Go and play with your students at lunch/ recess! Get out of the gym, step out of the teacher role! Be a kid for a few minutes!!!
  8. Schedule a happy hour with your best friend to decompress!
  9. Be prepared! Nothing is more stressful than having a class come in and you don’t know what you are doing!
  10. But Be flexible… things happen, always have an activity or three in your back pocket just in case…
  11. Try something new with your class!! New activities are exciting for everyone!
  12. Do something nice for a colleague. Make copies, take their duty, buy a cup of coffee, your teammates will appreciate it!
  13. Spend some time with family!
  14. Pamper yourself! (net a massage, a haircut, do your nails, etc)
  15. Put the electronics down for a day! (no computer, no tv, no phone)
  16. Treat yourself for a job well done! Buy the new shoes, go to the restaurant, eat the cake!
  17. Look at gifts/ notes from former students! Remember why you do what you do!

It is always important to make time to take care of yourself. That can be easily forgotten this time of year as we have put so much effort into making this school year a successful one for students.  Whatever it may be that recharges your battery, and puts a smile on your face, DO IT! Your students will thank you!

Summer break is almost here and we have one last push to be the best educator we can be… but remember, you can’t fill someone else cup up with learning and love if your cup is empty.

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