At-Home Equipment Replacement List

We know it can be difficult to teach Physical Education without equipment. We know many of you are struggling to find ways to keep students active at home. Below you’ll find a list of equipment substitutions to share with students and parents.

If this list does not include the equipment you’re looking for and you or a parent would like to make a purchase today, please use the promo code G-D20-402 for 11% off your next order.

We know this is a very stressful time for everyone. We hope this list provides a few ideas you can share! Download or print the list here!


If you have some additional equipment to add, please share it in the comment section below!

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14 Responses

  1. Boxes or laundry baskets work for soccer goals a s well. They work for hockey, lacrosse goals etc.
    pool noodles, brooms or any log object works for hokey sticks.

  2. We are in a Distance learning circus unit. Spinning Plastic plate/bowl with pencil. Cut whole in paper plate and spin with stick, pencil or hand. Juggle with tissues or stuffed animals or rolled up socks. Find a stick for balancing on hand. Make flower/devils sticks out of sticks and tape. Spin a dish cloth on finger (spinning scarf). Make a Sock Poi out of a long soccer sock and a bean bag, bean animal or tennis ball. Roll plates. Use wrapping (decorative) ribbon and a stick to make a rhythmic ribbon. Best part is after a few lessons they will create a circus show for the family or whole family can join in. I can share more on our circus unit.

  3. I used recycled water bottles, shampoo or soap bottles from the home for bowling or throwing targets. We created do it yourself balls for throwing made out of recycled paper. I also used stuffed animals as objects for throwing or bowling.
    Frisbees/paper plates to play balancing games. Paper plates may be used to create a target

    1. At school I have collected 2 liter bottles and use them all the time for bowling and throwing targets. When you leave the cap on they last forever due to the air pressure not allowing them to crush on impact. I have taught my kids to make their own. Hopefully they have for the current situation!

  4. Replace bean bag; We use a ziplock bag filled with rice, sand, sugar or anything to give it weight.
    OR blow into larger ziplock for an object to volley back and forth.

  5. Love the at home equipment list! You can use plastic shopping bags as parachute kites. Just tie a string to the handles and on a windy day they fly great!

    1. I did this ALL THE TIME as a kid! Also tied them to action figures as parachutes. So much fun, though sometimes the parachute didn’t open.

      1. Two partners can self-toss bag (straight up) and run to catch partner’s bag before it hits floor/ground. increase distance. Very fun, even for 5th graders.

  6. To make a ball:
    *a pair of socks balled up
    *two plastic grocery bags: ball up one, stuff it into the corner of the second, twist, squeezing air out, wrap bag around the “ball” and twist again until you have just the handles sticking up. Tuck one handle in and use the other to wrap around and secure your ball
    *use the free newspaper that’s delivered–take out two sheets and crumple into a ball; shove into the bottom of the plastic bag; get the air out, twist the bag and, sticking your hand into the bag, grab the ball, pulling the bag around again; repeat, squeezing air out, twisting and wrapping until you have only a couple inches of the bag left. Twist and tie a knot to secure the end.
    I used these as options for a tossing/catching lesson for first and second grade in addition to showing a tennis ball and another soft ball.

  7. This list is awesome! I have so many students with little to no equipment at home. This is a great resource for me now and in the future!
    Thank you!

    1. Plastic shopping bags work well too. The best are the light ones they wrap your ice cream in when you check out at the grocery store.

  8. Cutting a large plastic bottle with a handle (milk jug, windshield fluid bottle) at an angle and removing the bottom section to create a catching scoop is an old standby. I hate to admit how many hours of my youth were spent tossing a pair of rolled up socks into a plastic bottle I stuck on my wall (with parental permission of course).

  9. A wire hanger turned into a racket. A nylon for the face of the racquet and use balls of crumpled paper to make a ball to practise racket skills.

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