Author: Kristi Bieri and Kyle Salvo

Kristi Bieri is a physical education teacher at Odessa Upper Elementary School in Odessa, MO, and the Missouri AHPERD Special Projects Coordinator. Kyle Salvo is in his 14th year of teaching. A graduate of The University of Central Missouri, Kyle holds a B.S. in Physical Education, a M.S. in Education and an Ed.S. in School Administration K-8. He holds a Certificate in Health Education. Kyle is currently teaching Physical Education at Twin Chimneys Elementary in the Fort Zumwalt School District. Kyle has worked for the past 14 years on the district’s outdoor education program re-writing the curriculum, training staff members and serving in the administrator capacity during over night stays from the students. He has been a member of MOAHPERD for the past 16 years as a college student and professional.

“A Huge Game Changer for Your School Community” [Interactive]

Social-emotional learning has been the focus of many educators lately and it’s because, as the pandemic continues, as social-distancing becomes the new norm, we are stressed now more than ever, SHAPE America’s health. moves. minds program was designed to combat stress, anxiety, and the effects of social distancing, which removes many of the student’s and families’ support systems.

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