How to Become a PE Presenter [Interactive]

Teacher indiv 25

[0:02] Today on the PE Express podcast, I’ll share a few tips for providing professional development.

[0:30] Welcome to the PE Express podcast. Today I would like to share a little advice on providing professional development. The other day someone asked me, how did you get started providing professional development? It’s a crazy story that just started with kindness. I was attending one of my first state conventions in Texas. It came to a session called Kin Ball, a sport I’d never heard of, but was so intrigued by this session and the person that provided the training. He was struggling getting his equipment back to the booth and so I just asked him, do you need some help. From that point on it struck up the conversation that started me on my path and for providing professional development not only for my state but for other states also.

[1:17] They provided me with all the information and equipment and they sent me off to North Carolina. I walked into my first session ever with about 500 people in North Carolina and immediately got sick and had to leave the room. That was definitely not my finest hour in my professional development career, but after re-gathering myself and composing myself, I went back in that room and provided that PD for the day. To this day I still get nervous before every professional development that I provide, but I’ve gained so much knowledge and I would like to share with you, especially the ones that want to share their ideas, the easier steps instead of just jumping right in like I did.

Start Small and Present Locally

[1:56] My first suggestion is to start small. Start at your district level. Start by providing professional development on your campus and then expand to the district level. After the district level, try to expand to the local school surrounding your district. Districts are always looking for professional development, especially ones at little cost to the district. After providing professional development for your district and your local area, you’ll have a better understanding of whether that’s the path you want to continue on. Some people say, hey, it’s not for me and some people are ready to go on.

Find a Fellow Teacher and Present at your State Conference

[2:33] If you’re ready to go on, it’s time to take it to the next level, to your state convention. At the state level, I would suggest collaborating with a fellow teacher and then presenting a session together. The calming effect of having a fellow educator there with you during the session helps with not only the pacing but also the ideas that you present. In Texas, we love to recognize not only our first-time attendees at our professional conference but also all the speakers for each session. I know professional development might not be everyone’s cup of tea but always be willing to share your ideas. We have several platforms at Gopher. Check out PE Universe and upload some of your ideas to share with fellow educators. Thanks for listening and have a great day.

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