Dynamic PE: From Textbook to Website [Interactive]

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[0:02] So what’s the connection between the Dynamic Physical Education textbooks and the DynamicPEASAP.com website. Hang tight and I’ll fill you in.

[0:38] The Dynamic Physical Education program, curriculum, philosophy, variety of other terms that could be used, has been around since the 1960s and before I go any further talking about this, I want to be crystal clear that this program is built on the shoulders of Dr. Victor P. Dauer And Dr. Robert Pangrazi, these future leaders who had a vision for what physical education could be and what teacher preparation could be far beyond the decade of the 60s and I’m just honored now to be a part of this tradition and hope to do my best to carry it on as it’s been done since the 60s.

What’s in the Dynamic Physical Education Curriculum?

The Why Behind Physical Education

[1:14] So first let me just talk a little bit about the textbook and the textbook is essentially divided into three parts. The first part is the why of physical education. For the most part, we agree that the purpose of physical education is to provide students with the skills, knowledge, and attitude to be active for the rest of their lives. And this first component or part of the book really focuses on the why and why we have this as an outcome in physical education.

How to Teach Physical Education

[1:39] The second part of the book emphasizes how we teach and how to implement a quality physical education program. There are chapters on curriculum development, lesson planning, management, children with disabilities, assessment, legal and liability issues, how you deal with equipment, etcetera… the first section is why, the second group of chapters is really the how of teaching physical education.

What to Teach in Physical Education

[2:05] The last part of the book goes into great detail of what to teach, from skills to specific activities and games to progressions to queues, there’s a whole variety of activities that are really emphasized in this section of the book. For instance, there are chapters on teaching fitness, there are chapters on how to use an introductory activity, how to teach rhythms, gymnastics, lifetime activities, hockey, track and field, body management skills, cooperative skills, etcetera.

What is DynamicPEASAP.com?

[2:35] With the most recent version of the textbook, which is published by Human Kinetics now, we’ve been able to partner with Gopher Sport and link the textbook to DynamicPEASAP.com and what this website does is it provides a hands-on tool for teachers that is malleable, it’s free, and teachers can use it to really apply what’s learned in the textbook and what’s provided in the textbook and put it in a curriculum format and by curriculum, we have lesson plans, there are assessments, outcomes, there are instructional materials, there are videos on how to teach the activities and all of this is a culmination of an entire textbook, 700 pages of the “Why” physical education, the “How” of physical education and “What” to teach in physical education and put into a curriculum. Again, that is turnkey and designed for teachers to use ASAP.

[3:30] So in review, the Dynamic Physical Education textbook provides the why, the how, and the what to teach. It provides a lot more than you can use in a curriculum, but the A.S.A.P. website, DynamicPEASAP.com allows teachers to apply the textbook into the real world situations in the gymnasium.

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2 Responses

  1. Hi Fay,
    Thank you for the suggestion! This is something we’re looking into. With 215 videos online, this is a pretty large task to complete. We will be sure to email you as we make progress towards this goal.

    Please reach out to me directly at michaelewen@gophersport.com with any more questions.



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