Elementary Physical Education: Tips for Finishing the Year Strong

As the end of the school year nears, I’ll be discussing how we can finish strong.

Today I’d like to talk about some strategies I use to finish out the year strong. We work hard all year to build positive relationships with our students and now as the end of the year approaches, it is more important than ever to send off our students knowing we care about their well being and letting them know that we love them.

Here’s what I’m going to be doing. I’m going to start by cutting my directions for any activity that we’re doing, shorter. I’m going to introduce some new activities, some that I’ve never taught and sometimes these activities are super silly. Over these next weeks, I’ll stop kids in the hallway and in my class and I’m going to tell him how glad I am that they’re at my school. How glad I am that they’re in my class, how glad I am that they just showed up today. I’m going to be meeting them in the hallway in the cafeteria when they come to my class and here’s some things that I might tell them. I’m going to tell them that they made my day better. I’m going to tell them that there is such a great friend to their classmates or that they work so well with other students that they make our school a better place, that they make me smile, that they’re probably going to be the best ever runner, volleyball player, you pick whatever your student’s skills are. This is for my fifth graders that are headed onto middle school.

I tell my fifth graders also that they should go out for every sport in middle school because their skills are so advanced because I know they’re feeling some anxiety when they meet up with students from other schools. I give my students reminders about how they can be active outside of school and fun things that they might do when they’re outside of school. I remind them to be safe, wear a helmet, buckle their seatbelt, and I tell them that this is important to me because I love him. Finally, on the last day of school, which is our field day, I let them know that I’m gonna miss them over the summer and then I’m going to especially miss teaching them. I hope this inspires you to finish out your year strong.

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