Elevate Student Fitness with the Hula Hut Team Challenge

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Hula Hut Fitness Team Challenge is an adventure that involves hula hoops, dodgeballs, and Frisbees? Grab your team and gear—6 hula hoops, a foam dodgeball, a foam Frisbee, and a cone per team—and let the fun begin!


To work as a team to accomplish the assigned tasks using the hula hoops, dodgeball, and Frisbee.

Equipment Needed: 

6 hula hoops, one foam dodgeball, one foam Frisbee, and one cone per team

Level 1 – How to Play Hula Hut Fitness Challenge: 

Students split into teams of 3-5 students.  Each team lines up behind their assigned cone with 6 hula hoops and a foam dodgeball. There are 4 distances to this dodgeball challenge.  Teams must start at distance one and work up to distance four. 

At each distance, they must perform the following:

  • Starting behind their cone, each team must run out to the first distance and work together to build their hula hut using all 6 hula hoops (foundation, 4 walls, and roof).
  • Once the hula hut is built, the team must run single file around their hula hut 3 times clockwise and 3 times counterclockwise.
  • Teams then form a single file line behind the starting cone and take turns throwing their dodgeball at their hula hut.  After throwing the dodgeball, the player must run and retrieve the dodgeball and run back with it to hand it off to the next player. 
    Important rule:  Do not throw the ball back. If the ball is thrown back the team will have a consequence. (Possible consequences:  whole team must run around their hula hut 3 times each way,
  • After completing each distance by successfully using the dodgeball to knock over their hula hut, the team progresses to the next level and repeats repeating the same directions.

                              Distance One is about 15 feet away from the starting cones.

                              Distance Two is about 30 feet away from the starting cones.

                              Distance Three is about 45 feet away from the starting cones.

                              Distance Four is about 60 feet away from the starting cones.

Level 2 – Let’s Do It with Foam Frisbees:

Teams follow the same directions as the dodgeball challenge, but use the foam Frisbee instead.


  • Teams could do other locomotor skills instead of running around the hula huts (skipping, sliding, or galloping)
  • Teams could throw the dodgeball or Frisbee to knock over another team’s hula hut to slow that team down.  That team would need to rebuild their hula hut before continuing their throwing.
  • Building double-decker hula huts.
  • At end of each level, teams that complete all four distances could be asked to help other teams complete the tasks, having all students work together with a countdown of 2 minutes. 


Teacher observation or student self-assessment could be used to evaluate dodgeball/Frisbee throwing form, participation, fitness levels, teamwork, integrity, positive communication, encouragement of teammates, and sportsmanship. 

Debrief Questions:

  1. Discuss with your team what you did well that helped your team be more successful. (communicated, took turns, encouraged, hustled back each time, stayed focused, etc.)
  2. Share qualities of a good teammate that you saw demonstrated today.
  3. When this activity got challenging why didn’t you quit?  What other areas of life could you use more perseverance like you showed today?

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