Flag Football Lead-Up Activities

kids MiddleSchool football 087

[0:02] Flag football can be an excellent way for kids to learn and gain a better understanding of the skill set required to play football with limited risk. What we know about concussions now, it might be best to have your child play flag football if he or she is unsure about playing tackle football. That way they can gain confidence. Here are some ways you can get your students ready for that flag football unit.

[0:47] Here are some of the flag football activities we use before we start a flag football unit. First, we play catch students playing catch with a partner and have a low-stress environment that will have them focus on that one skill so they can gain confidence for the game.

[1:02] We also play tag. Tag teaches a valuable skill that’s required in most sports – avoidance whether they’re going around defenders in basketball or running away from the defense in football, avoidance is a skill that can be developed from the game of tag.

[1:15] As well as jumping. We jump on objects, we jump over objects. We jump to catch footballs, we jump to grab monkey bars. Students need to learn how to jump to gain success.

[1:30] As well as we play flag tag. Kids need to learn how to track a defender and pull their flag. Okay, we’ve already played tag. Now we just add the flags. Okay. Flag tag has played just like freeze tag, but instead of tagging people, we pull flags.

[1:43] Lastly, it was like dodgeball. Dodgeball is a game that is great for kids to learn how to track the ball when it’s in the air. Just like in football, when you’re tracking the ball in the areas of the receiver over a defender, you have to focus on the ball rather than the defender. Just like in dodgeball. So a lot of people playing and you have to see where the ball is coming from. You have to track it and dodge it.

[2:09] These are just some of the activities we use to lead up to our flag football unit. Hopefully these ideas and these lead up activities that we’ve gone over will allow your kids to gain more confidence when you start your flag for one unit.

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