Stuck Outside? Get Your Weight Room Back With One Unique Tool

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Coach Scott Meier at Farmington HS showcasing his athletes’ hard work through adversity.

With Coronavirus cases still on the rise in virtually every state, many coaches and facility owners are still bending over backwards trying to help their athletes improve while adhering to guidelines for physical distancing. While some facilities are fortunate enough to have larger weight rooms that allow coaches to continue using their equipment (albeit at lower capacity), most coaches have been forced outdoors in order to accommodate the larger groups of athletes they get during their summer programs.

From what I’ve seen, most coaches are doing quite well dealing with the adversity they’ve faced thus far. Regardless, they’re undoubtedly chomping at the bit to get back in their weight rooms. However, with most weight rooms designed with the intent to provide training for as many athletes as possible, there are significant hurdles to returning to business as usual.  

Sneeze Guards will protect you and your athletes
Rack-Mounted Sneeze Guards provide an impermeable barrier between rack stations for athlete protection.

Walk into a pre-COVID weight room and you’d likely see a lot of athletes standing close-together with just enough space between them all to allow for safe training. In today’s climate, that’s simply not good enough. So, what are coaches to do? Moving all the equipment in the weight room isn’t exactly a prudent (or fun) course of action. 

Enter the rack-mounted and freestanding sneezeguard. 

A product that’s typically used in office-settings and restaurants or retail businesses, is perfectly suited for keeping athletes or members safe in your training facility. Here’s how: 

Rack-Mounted Sneeze Guards 

These are an ideal solution for facilities that have power racks, half racks, or double half racks that are in close proximity. 1/8” acrylic plexiglass panes create a transparent barrier that prevents athletes from spreading viruses and bacteria to other stations. Available in widths of 42” – 48” they fit virtually any rack size from upright to upright and are available in a variety of heights all the way up to 72” for maximal protection. Panes affix to rack uprights using industrial strength double-sided tape and are easily wiped down in between uses with conventional disinfectants.  

Freestanding Sneeze Guards 

Sneeze Guards come in many sizes
Transparent panes keep sightlines intact, allowing coaches unobstructed views of their athletes.

Outside of the power rack, lifting platforms are another space that take up a legitimate amount of square footage and are not easy to move to facilitate physical distancing. Freestanding sneeze guards are the perfect solution to safely separate athletes lifting at bordering platforms. 

Similar to the wall-mounted options, freestanding sneeze guards are comprised of 1/8” acrylic panes but feature a steel frame and base that occupies 4’ of width and either 6’ or 8’ of height. Positioning these perpendicularly between platforms, or parallel in front or behind them, can effectively protect other athletes in the vicinity. Furthermore, freestanding models can be daisy-chained to create longer barriers in 4’ increments for blocking off entire training areas. 

Call or Email for a Sneeze Guard Quote Today

With so much uncertainty surrounding what will happen in the future regarding school, university, and club opening plans, we want to make ourselves available to help coaches and facility managers get the equipment they need to make their facilities safe and functional again. Feel free to reach out today to receive a competitive quote on the equipment you need to get your facility back again while keeping your athletes or members safe. 

Call us or send us an email for a quote.

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