How to Perform a Push-Up Assessment [Instructional Video]

Teach students how to properly perform the push-up assessment with this helpful video and detailed instruction. Make push-up assessments even easier by using the Rep-Addition Push-Up Testers to increase accuracy and efficiency.

Push-Up Assessment Set-Up:

  • Before performing the push-up test, adjust the height of the console so your arms are bent at a 90-degree angle when your chest touches the console
  • Press and hold the “Reset” button to clear the settings back to zero


Free Downloadable Resources:

View the video on the right for a full demonstration of the push-up assessment. Click the download button to save the video to your computer for your students follow along! An audio file is available for your download as well.

Assessment Instructions:

  • Kneel and place your hands flat on the hand pads at shoulder-width apart, face your fingers forward. Straighten your legs and lift onto your toes with your arms perpendicular to the ground.
  • Once you begin the push-up test, wait for the instructor to call out, “down.” With your head, back and legs creating a straight line, bend your elbows, until your chest touches the console. Once the tester beeps, your rep has been counted.
  • Slowly push back up once the instructor says, “up”, returning to the starting position, keeping a straight-line posture and only using your chest and arms to propel you! Continue to follow the prompts performing push-ups until you are not able to continue.
  • The test is complete once you perform 75 push-ups or you cannot continue anymore. Once testing is complete, look on the tester for your results and report your score to your teacher!

Good luck on your assessment!

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