Instant Activities You Can Implement ASAP

When you get students moving right away, the learning (and hopefully sweating) begins right away. Consider using instant activities!

An instant activity consists of having an activity posted for students to do as soon as they enter the gym. You can post the 5 components of fitness warm-ups to the wall, or a warm-up on your iPad® or laptop, etc. My students enter the gym, pick up their 3 x 5 attendance card (that I scatter on the floor), and start their warm-up immediately according to the 5 components of fitness posted on the wall. Once done, they walk and talk about what is on the projector or SMART Board®. We start quick, we move quick! Here are a few instant activities for you to try that are simple, fun, and you can start using today. I hope you enjoy!


Tic-Tac-Toe instant activity

Learning Targets:

  1. I will show “Spirit of the Game” by the way I act and treat others
  2. I will improve my cardiovascular endurance by running back and forth with my teammates
  3. I will show strategies and play by the rules of the game


  • Set up 9 small hoops in a 3-by-3 grid
  • Provide 6 bean bags or scarves for each set of hoops (2 sets of 3)
  • Divide students into teams of 3-4 (Team Shake App)
  • Designate 2 teams to each grid of hoops and assign each team a color with the proper bean bags or scarves
  • Have each team form a line
  • At the signal, students race to the hoops to drop off their bean bags. The first team with 3 in a row wins!
  • Play multiple games and give each team a chance to compete against one another
  • Watch a round of Tic-Tac-Toe

Spin It! App

This customizable random activity generator App is great for small spaces.

Logistics: Enter your activities or exercises and quantities and let the students take turns spinning the app. See how it works here!

Gopher’s Fit-N-Spin wheel is an activity wheel that allows students to spin and select an exercise on their own. This is a super fun way to get students moving within seconds. You can also switch out up to 30 different templates for new activities each time.

Spell Your Workout

Assign each letter of the alphabet an exercise and number of reps. Use a chart to have students spell the school name, practice spelling or vocabulary words, and more! Add a fun twist with Gopher’s AlphaDash set!

Logistics: Write out your list and put it on the projector. Then, just turn on some music and go!

Song and Dance

Get students moving to music right away!

Logistics: Project a simple dance routine that students can follow along to, or have them make up their own moves! See an example here.

Related Articles:
Student-Led Instant Activities for Physical Education by Michael Beringer
The Purpose of Introductory Activities [Interactive] by Aaron Beighle
Every Minute Counts: The Art of Using Instant Activities by Jessica Shawley

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