6 Reasons to Inventory your Equipment

Inventory Image

[0:27] Collecting equipment inventory is an important yet time consuming task that should be completed each year. Having an up-to-date inventory equipment list ensures you have enough equipment to support your PE program’s goals and objectives.

6 Reasons to Inventory your Equipment

1. Ensures Equipment is Available When you Need it:

[0:48] Taking inventory each year guarantees you have equipment available when you need it. Have you ever prepared equipment for class only to realize the basketballs aren’t holding air anymore or the after-school program borrowed your soccer balls and have yet to return them? Collecting inventory and ensuring your equipment selection is in good condition helps you proactively maintain your equipment, setting you up for success throughout the year.

2. Makes Planning Easier:

[1:13] Developing curriculum and lesson plans are difficult without knowing the equipment you have available. Keeping an updated list of equipment allows you to be flexible and makes it easier to modify and plan lessons and units.

3. Reduces Lost Equipment:

[1:26] Use your equipment inventory list to assign equipment as it’s checked out and returned. This method encourages colleagues and students to take responsibility for the equipment they borrow and ensures your equipment is returned in a timely manner.

4. Encourages a Neat and Organized Equipment Closet:

[1:45] Throughout the year students use a ton of equipment! As equipment is used throughout the year, it can often be misplaced or returned to an incorrect home. As you collect your equipment inventory, use this time to organize your equipment and find any misplaced items.

5. Promotes Accountability and Transparency:

[2:05] Having an inventory of equipment promotes accountability and transparency. Share this list to provide parents and administrators an accurate picture of the equipment available at the school, how it is being used, and its condition. This information can be used to support fundraising efforts and future purchasing decisions.

6. Helps Demonstrate the Value of Your PE Program:

[2:27] Finally, keeping an inventory equipment list and sharing it with your principal demonstrates that you value and care for your equipment. It also clearly defines your equipment needs and helps you share a clear and consistent vision for your PE program.

[2:40] If you haven’t seen it yet, take a look at the PE Equipment Calculator. This is a free resource that gives you an essential inventory list that you can use to monitor your equipment needs each year. After you complete your inventory, this calculator matches your program’s equipment with SHAPE America National Standards and Outcomes and calculates which outcomes can be taught with the equipment available. Share this calculator with your principal or PE leader to strengthen your ask for additional funding and equipment.

See how the PE Equipment Calculator can help you manage your equipment inventory and advocate for your PE program:

Join the conversation!

Do you collect equipment inventory at your school? What recommendations do you have for monitoring your equipment levels and needs? Join the conversation by sharing your ideas and comments below!

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One Response

  1. Wow I love this podcast. I listen to TONS of podcasts and this one is so well done. I am a strength and conditioning coach who is an educator. I live and work here in Phoenix, AZ for EXOS. I am going to present to 75 PE teachers in NYC in 4 weeks and would love the chance to pick the brain of the person who runs this podcast. I believe he is at ASU. It would be an honor to take him out for coffee or virtual chat with him. My lecture is around communication and instruction and I want to make sure I am doing everything I can to ensure it is worth these PE teachers time. Thanks for any potential help!

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