PE Workouts for Distance Learning!

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With the current pandemic, a lot of us have been asked to create plans or lessons for our students to do at home. In this blog, I am going to share a couple that I set up for my students. I even created a Facebook page to stream LIVE workouts and give my students the opportunity to see me and be reminded a little bit with some normalcy. Feel free to join the page and share the page if you would like, PE with Gemberling. The two workouts I am sharing have videos on the Facebook page with me doing the workout! I encourage you to create videos of workouts too and share them with your students so they can see you!

The 300 Workout is one that is designed to get my students 300 repetitions using 15 different exercises. I also added a cardio piece in the 30-second high knee run after every five exercises.

For this workout, the goal is to reach 300 repetitions (reps)! You can do this in any combination of sets or reps, for example 10 reps/set x 2 set, 5 reps/set x 4 sets, etc. I added a 30-Second High Knee Run after 5 exercises to ramp up heart rates!

The 300 Workout

Dolphin Planks
Penguin Crunch
Crossbody Jabs-BE CAREFUL!!

***30-Second High Knee Run***

Shoulder Tap Planks
Turkish Get-Ups
Front Kicks-BE CAREFUL!!
Calf Raises

*** 30-Second High Knee Run***

Tick Tocks
Pulse Squats
Russian Twists
Rear Leg Raises
Plank Reach Throughs

*** 30-Second High Knee Run***

This was a fun, but tough workout. I encouraged my students on my educational portal to try new exercises that we have done in class throughout the year to mix things up. I want them to be creative with the workout and feel free to modify it during our time away from each other.

The second workout I want to share is the ABC workout I made for them and their family. This one is a more family workout, so it is not tailored to just high school students. I have some silly things in it. Below you will see the chart I created that matches an exercise to the ABCs. Again, I have told my students they can change the exercises every time they do the workout. When I did the workout on Facebook LIVE, I asked for people to give me their favorite animals. Then we spelled their animals by doing the exercises for each letter in the animal. This one was really fun with my kids, and many of their friends were having their parents share their favorite animals. You can have parents use this at home anytime they want too! If they are making dinner and have the list nearby, they can have their kids spell what’s for dinner, and hopefully is in not just TACOS. I plan to do this over the weekend with my family, we are having spaghetti and meatballs!

ABC Workout!

** 5 reps for each exercise!

A = Push-Ups

B = Sit-Ups

C = Squats

D = Frog Jumps

E = Inch Worms

F = Dolphin Planks

G = Straight Leg Hops

H = Calf Raises

I = Tick Tocks

J = Pulse Squats

K = Rocket Jumps

L = Forward Arm Circles

M = Backward Arm Circles

N = Side-to-Side Jumps

O = Speed Skaters

P = Front-to-Back Jumps

Q = Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

R = Donkey Kicks

S = Toe Taps

T = Tuck Jumps

U = Turkish Get-Ups

V = Russian Twist Crunches

W = Shoulder Tap Planks

X = Lemon Squeezes

Y = Penguin Crunches

Z = Dips

Again, I want the workout to be fun but also challenging. My opinion is if it is not fun, most of my kids and their families will not do them.

I would like to finish by asking you all to share your ideas and things you have sent home to your students to do while we are not in school. I am a firm believer in sharing ideas and that we should all be willing to help each other. So, come on, share away!

2 Responses

  1. We have posted many choices of workouts from which our students can choose. They may also make up their own. We have a brief feedback/question sheet that they fill out and send back to us in order to check their engagement. Some of the workout sites that we posted were: PE with Joe, Crazy Mr. Noble, Cooper Clinic Aerobic/muscular endurance, USTA activities, Billy Blanks Taebo, and some teacher-made video choices. PE with Joe has been a big favorite. It is a daily workout from Joe’s home on YouTube.
    Thanks to Gopher (and you Jason) for all of your help and ideas. It has been my go-to site during the pandemic.

  2. Perry,

    I am glad you are able to utilize Gopher’s resources to help get your through these uncertain times. I have been loving seeing the ideas from the other contributors as well. PE universe is another source you should check out if you haven’t done so already.
    I am not sure which age level you teach, but I am curious about the overall response from your students. Are you seeing a large response?
    And I am going to be checking out PE with Joe, it sounds like a good one!
    Keep up the great work!

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