Physical Education Grant Opportunities

I have spent the past 5 years in schools with limited or no PE budgets. Although it was a challenge, it made me resourceful and creative with my lessons. I love bringing new activities and sports to my students. But with a limited budget, it can be nearly impossible, or so I thought…

I began researching for physical education grant opportunities and applying for grants for equipment and unit supplies. I was pleasantly surprised with how easy the process can be. It started with me looking for specific sports that I wanted to add to our program, and then it turned into a challenge of finding what activities and sports are available to PE programs and schools. The students would never have had the opportunity to learn these non-traditional activities if had not been for the grant programs.

Types of Programs

There is a wide range of types of programs and Physical Education grant offerings available. They range from equipment and lesson/unit plans to class giveaways and fun items for students. This became my new hobby. I became “The Grant Finder”. I even started to apply for grants for my Leadership Classes and school as a whole.

It is amazing the things you can do if you put your mind to it and take the time to research. If you have a sport/activity you would like to teach, reach out to organizations that support it. Even if they do not offer a grant, they may help with instructors, have extra resources, or may want to help you build your programs.

Physical EducationGrant Opportunities

  1. SHAPE America Grants
  2. Active Schools Grants – Get kids moving 60 minutes a day.
  3. Fuel Up to Play 60 Grants
  5. Lacrosse – US Lacrosse: Programs and Grants: Various programs and grants depending on your need/wants. You can have a PE donation or a “First Sticks” program to start a lacrosse team at your school.
  6. Field Hockey – FUNdamental Field Hockey
  7. Tennis – USTA-Plans and Programs
  8. Pickleball Equipment
  9. Ultimate Frisbee – Frisbee Kits
  10. PHIT America: a movement for a Fit and Healthy America
  11. Lowes– $5,000 for your school
  12. Target Field Trip Grant – Field Trip Grants
  13. MLB Grant
  14. US Soccer Foundation
  15. Archery Grants
  16. Action for Healthy Kids

The bottom line: Do your research and reach out to people! You’d be surprised how much organizations and your community members want to help. Think about the local professional and minor teams! They have various grant programs, community outreach programs, and/or school visits that you can sign up for.

Related Blogs:
Tips for Finding Physical Education Grants by Chad Triolet

About the Author:

3 Responses

  1. Great read! So, so very True! There is so much help out there if you’re willing to do a little work for it!

    Tips from Eleana @KIDS in the GAME!
    – GET ON MAILING LISTS/ Newsletters! Be informed!
    – Save & set alerts for events and deadlines on your calendar
    – Foundations LOVE a story they can relate to, connect with, and share! Be compelling!
    – Many companies have an annual budget for “Giving” check & connect locally and try to get a pledge for their next fiscal year.
    – DON’T give up! Keep in contact, check in, and build a relationship with companies near you.
    – Give the gift of a review to the company/s helping you out! Send Thank you cards, Write reviews, Post on social media, etc…

    More Grant/Programming Options:
    – KIDS in the GAME has AMPED running/walking program for schools
    – Local Credit Unions LOVE Helping teachers
    – Good Sports have grants for equipment (who doesn’t want that!?)
    – Target Youth Soccer Grant is an annual grant for $2,000 toward youth soccer initiatives including registration fees, equipment, field, and coaching development
    – REACHES Sports Org – wrestling program resource
    – USA Volleyball ask about USA MiniVolley Kits developed by USA Volleyballs John Kessel
    – INSTAGRAM giveaways, contests, freebies, and sweepstakes are always going on

    Best of Luck and Thank you for all you do as teachers, principals, staff, and parents to get your kids active!

    1. Irma,

      The list above in this article shows the offers of grants. Each grant will have a different application process. The first step is to decide which grant to explore, then take the steps that they ask you to take to receive the grant.

      I hope this helps.

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