It’s Time to Start Planning for Fall 2020 [Interactive]

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This podcast advocates for teachers to go to administrators with a plan for the fall of 2020.

[0:02] This podcast advocates for teachers to go to administrators with a plan for the fall of 2020. COVID-19 has left many of us uncertain about many things. And one of those things, obviously, is. How do we move forward in tow the next school year?

Start Planning Now

[0:35] There are lots of ideas and strategies being shared around online, and I have one that I would really like to discuss and I think it’s one thing that we can do this summer, and that’s to plan. Now, some of you are probably saying, “wow, that’s really earth-shattering plan. What a novel idea.” But I want to look at it a little differently, and I want to look at it is taking what you’ve learned and create plans for as many different scenarios as you can, whether it’s face-to-face, hybrid, or e learning. But I think the important thing is to take what we’ve learned from this experience and apply that to next year.

Be Proactive and Reach Out to Administration

[01:12] So this involves being proactive. Go to your administrators. In physical education we often fret and about being left out in PE. So go with the plan again being proactive, your administrators are stressed, let them know that you know they’re stressed, and let them know how you can help and your plan for physical education no matter what happens.

[01:35] So what are some situations that you can plan for and I have a few ideas. If you have students, but social distancing is required. What are you gonna do? What lessons? What if you don’t have equipment, but you have students in your gymnasium? If you have to go to the classroom, you’re not allowed to use your gymnasium, but you’re allowed to go to the classroom and you teach physical activities to students? What lessons will you teach if you have 12 students or if you have a classroom full of students? If your time face-to-face is limited, but you still have access to your students virtually so you have kind of a hybrid model. What are you going to do? What lessons are you gonna do? How are you gonna connect what you do when you have a face-to-face and what you’re gonna do when you have them virtually? And if you’re all the learning how you’re gonna handle this, what have you just learned? And strategies in ways that you can improve on what you just did it to make it better if you’re all e-learning at the beginning of the school year?

[02:29] Now I want to be clear. I’m not saying all this to make you anxious. I’m simply saying this because I think this is something that we need to do to plan for our schools, for your situations, and for your students. This is what’s best for your students. Now, it might not look exactly like you wanted to look and what you have in mind for physical education, but be focused on doing what is best for your kids and your students knowing that you’re going to get back to some sense of normal eventually. But you’re doing what is best for students now.

[03:01] So, in closing, I hope you have a great summer. I hope you take some time to relax for yourself, but also I hope that you have some time to plan and leverage some of the things that you’ve learned from Kobe. 19 for the Fall of 2020. Thrive!

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