Facebook Group with At-Home Learning Resources to Help During Coronavirus [Interactive]

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Online School Closure Educator Support for PE” is a FaceBook group for Phys Ed teachers to collaborate during this difficult time.

[0:03] On today’s PE Express podcast, I’m going to share a resource that may help planning those at-home lessons a little easier.

[0:10] Welcome to the PE Express podcast. Two to three times a week a PE expert will share a tip, activity idea, or teaching strategy to help you become a better PE professional. Today’s host is a PE teacher, presenter and two time Teacher of the Year, who’s passionate about helping others improve their programs. Shannon Irwin.

[0:29] It’s truly hard for me to imagine schools worldwide have closed their doors but learning and education still must go on and Physical Education teachers are certainly up for the challenge. I’m seeing great things on my social media feeds and trending hashtags like #HPEatHome and #ActiveHomeChallenge.

If you are looking for ideas or need help navigating at-home PE burning during this global pandemic, I highly suggest you check out this Facebook group with over 2700 physical education teachers on this group It’s been a great resource for me. The name of this Facebook group is called “Online School Closure Educator Support for PE“. I feel this group is a great resource during this unique time because the phys ed members of this group are worldwide, allowing us the opportunity to collaborate and get better insight for those who have been experiencing school closures longer than us here in the United States. The content being shared on this page is worth checking out. The people are friendly, and they respond quickly to your questions. It’s also just a great place for like minded individuals and professionals like ourselves to get together. So hop on over to Facebook and check out the group “Online School Closure Educator Support for PE”.

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