Serve, Set, and Smash with Spikeball!

Taking the newest and hippest recreational sport into Physical Education class with learning targets, assessment, and FUN!

If volleyball and foursquare had a baby – it would be called Spikeball. It’s mission: to build the next great American sport.

Spikeball is a great recreational sport for your Physical Education classes, the beach, grass, or just about anywhere. There are more than 250,000 Spikeball players in the US, and over 1,000 nationally ranked teams.

Not only is it a challenging game, but it is a lot of fun! Learning the “striking” skill is a hard skill for many students. It takes about 2-3 times before you get good at it. It took my middle school students about 3 times to develop the skills and learn how to work together.


How to Play:

Spikeball Instructional ChartSpikeball is played 2 versus 2, with players spaced out equally around the net.

When the ball hits the net, it changes possession (like in volleyball, this is the equivalent to the ball passing over the net).

The opposing team has 3 hits or less to spike the ball back off the net. Players cannot hit the ball twice in a row, so they must spike to their teammate or the net before they can catch again.

There are no sidelines or boundaries – the ball can be hit in any direction, with any amount of force. When a team fails to hit the net, the opposing team gets a point. If the rim is hit at any time, a point is awarded to the opposing team. The ball can only bounce once on the net per turn. If it bounces twice, the opposing team earns the point.

You can use any part of your body to spike the ball! Players may not interfere with another player’s attempt to hit the ball. If so, the point must be replayed.

Play until one team scores 21 points, or whatever number you decide! Check out official tournament rules at

How to Play– Video Demonstration



● Spikeball™ Game Set

● The ball should feel like a cheeseburger! Weird, huh?

● Don’t inflate the ball much

● The nets are an easy set-up that you can take anywhere


Learning Targets:

1. I will show that I am a team player by demonstrating Spirit of the Game.

2. I will show caring for others and responsible social behavior during game play by showing correct etiquette.

3. I will show that I value physical activity by being able to demonstrate and explain the benefits and joy of physical activity.

4. I will show that I can recall and apply a range of skill and techniques, and strategy to perform at a high level.


How We Play:

Volley for the first serve (2 v. 2). Hit the ball back and forth until one team drops it, alternate serving between team members, and don’t use the legs or feet to hit the ball.


To win a point, you have to be serving. It’s called side-out-scoring. Rally scoring is too hard to keep track of. Switch places with your partner if you keep winning the serve. If the receiving team fails to return the ball properly, the round is over and the serving team earns a point. If the serving team fails, the round is over and the receiving team earns the serve.


The only hit that counts is the one that bounces off the net, and only the net. If the ball bounces off the ground before touching the net, the round is over. If the ball touches the rim, the round is over. If the ball hits the net but doesn’t bounce clear of the rim, the round is over. If the ball hits a “pocket,” the space between the net and the rim where the clips join the two, the round is a do-over.


I would play for “time” ANY DAY in my classes over playing to 21…however, if you are playing “points” and play to 21 points, a team must win by 2. So if one team reaches 21 and the other has 20, the game continues until the two-point separation is met.


Spikeball Standards Based Grading Assessment Rubric:

8 Point Scale

7-8 The student recalls and applies a range of skill and techniques, recalls and applies a range of strategy, and recalls and applies information to perform at a high level.


5-6 The student recalls and applies skill and techniques, recalls and applies strategy, and applies information to perform effectively.
3-4 The student recalls skill and techniques, recalls strategy, and applies information to perform.


0-2 The student rarely/never shows skill or techniques, does not show strategy, and rarely/never works for achieve success.



Lead Up Drills and Games:

● Stationary ball handling

● Jog and ball handle

● With a partner, hit back and forth over a line, then in a hula hoop or net

● Pass and chase tag

● 3 v. 1 tag (pass the ball in a circle of 3 trying to tag the person in the middle with the ball)

● Check out more!



● 2 v. 2 (4 min)

● Switch partners (4 mini games)

● Kings and Queens of the net (4 mini games) – move up and down the row



● Use a bigger ball

● Allow one bounce on the floor


Unit Concept: Benefits of Physical Activity

● Become stronger and feel better physically

● Improves self-esteem

● Have fun

● Improves cardiovascular health

● Builds friendships and social connections

● Stimulates the brain

● Burns calories


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