Six C’s to Shape Your Re-Entry Plan [Interactive]


In this episode Jessica talks about six “C’s” that can help teachers shape their reentry planning this fall: Connections, Curriculum, Communication, Consistency, Collaboration and Collection of Data.

Today I want to talk about some of the ways I’ll be planning for re-entry this upcoming fall.

So the COVID-19 pandemic is still an ongoing issue in our society. I never thought that I’d be going into a new school year the way we are this year and we definitely have to be planning for all three models, whether it’s in school instruction with physical distancing, distance-learning, or a hybrid of both.

[0:50] What it all comes down to for me is I need to remember a couple of different things. One, what’s my “why”? What are my goals for my students? As a secondary level teacher, I want my students to be participating in daily physical activity for health and enjoyment. I want them to know what it is they enjoy doing, and I want them to be able to go do. And I want them to develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime.

[1:09] I also need to remember the goals that I have for myself this fall. One, I need to plan for all three re-entry models and I need to think about those things that are gonna have great cross over into all three models. So what can I use and use well that will not only work for my instruction in school, but also for distance learning, which will lend itself to hybrid learning. So what are some of those versatile tools and instructional practices that I’ll be using? I need to remember to remain flexible as this is definitely a new journey and then I also need to be patient, as the last six months that our students have experienced is unlike any other.

[1:50] So with all this in mind, there are a couple of different considerations here of my own for my planning that will drive my planning, whether it’s in school instruction, distance-learning or a hybrid. These are things I need to keep in mind while looking at all three models for re-entry.


[2:09] One is Connections. So how am I going to foster relationships within each model?


[2:14] Curriculum is the next one, that backward design with the standards in mind. How am I going to dial in my curriculum? What’s most important? How can I accomplish it? Maybe there are some things that are going to be best accomplished when it’s in school instruction and then there are other things I’m going to assign for the distance learning when students go out on their own and then when they come back in, we’ll reflect upon that, learn from that, or maybe reflections will happen online and I can give feedback on that. I want things to be choice-based for my students, and I have to build, adapt to my student’s needs and everything needs to be accessible. So if students aren’t having great access toe online, then how am I going to provide them with the instruction? If we have to have a hybrid model or distance learning, am I going to mail things, how am I going to do check-ins? What other advocates can I use to help support them?


[3:04] The next planning tip is on Communication, so I have to decide the who, how, when, and how often, right? Who do I need to communicate with how, when, how often? And I need to use multiple ways to reach all stakeholders. Not just students, not just administration, but my parents, family members, the community, my councilors, and my other staff members. So they know exactly what’s happening in my classroom and can help support me, and I can help support them.


[3:31] Consistency is another one. How am I going to develop and reinforce class routines? Students need consistency, whether it’s hybrid or distance learning, where I’m posting assignments at the start of each week at the same time, deadlines are similar as well. What are the expectations?


[3:50] Next is Collaboration. We need to remember that we’re not in this alone. Whether you have your department, that’s K-12 your department in your building, your colleagues, your administrators. You also have your professional learning community in SHAPE America, right? We are all in this together and how are we going to collaborate and work with one another.

Collection of Data

[4:10] And then, lastly, the collection of data. How are you going to assess your students? How might you incorporate more self-reflection and personal application of what they’re learning and connecting that to home? Are you gonna have activity logs? How are you going to collect that data and be able to report your success to your administrators and so on?

[4:31] So again, Connections, curriculum, communication, consistency, collaboration, and the collection of data. Those are just some things to keep in mind when you’re planning for re-entry this fall. Thanks for listening. Thanks for teaching. And I wish you all a wonderful day.

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