Technology Tips for Physical Education Teachers

To be honest, as a “veteran”, okay….  “old” teacher, the idea of incorporating technology into my existing PE curriculum seemed a bit overwhelming and complicated. I was getting pressure to update my lessons from my younger colleagues, the district, and not to mention, my students! What was wrong with the old way I was doing things? Well, it was just that, old and outdated. Yes, I got the job done, but I realized by adding the technology component into my lessons, I was now able to attract our millennial students by providing a method of learning in which they are accustomed to.

Below are the three areas in which I use technology in my PE classes. I hope you give these technology tips a try! As I am a lifelong learner, I plan on adding many more areas to this list.

1. Music

  1. I use a stereo/pedometer cart with a PA and auxiliy cord for my iPhone. The PA is hooked to mounted speakers on the wall using 1/4” jack speaker cords. 
  2. I use Apple Music. But other sources like Spotify, Sound Cloud, and Pandora are free!
  3. Creating playlists helps me organize my lessons and transitions (yoga, power circuits, tabata mixes, weight room jams, adaptive PE “fun” music, holiday, etc.).
  4. I use my Apple iWatch as a remote to allow me to move about the gym freely. This allows me to start, stop, or change a song in music on my iPhone, which is on the cart.
  5. I use the Tabata Pro app to easily create music intervals while using a timer for circuits.
  6. I also use a smaller portable Bluetooth device to take my music outside.
Screen Shot 2018 06 26 at 2.41.08 PM
Create music intervals with the Tabata Pro App

2. Quizzes and Exams

  1. I create all of my quizzes and exams using Google Forms.
  2. The students take their quizzes and tests using their devices (laptops or phones).
  3. No more grading by hand or scan tron! Grading is done instantaneously!
  4. The students get immediate feedback.
  5. There are many options for creating your quiz or test, and it’s super easy to create!
    • Multiple or single attempts
    • Start and end dates for posting the quizzes or tests
    • True/false, multiple choice, short answer, essay, etc.
    • Immediate or delayed feedback
    • Custom title, name, ID, date, directions etc.
    • The ability to insert pictures, movies, illustrations, diagrams, etc.

3. Fitness Testing

  1. I use technology with my fitness testing in two areas:
    1. Pedometers
      • I use Gopher’s Fitstep Pro Uploadable Pedometers.
      • This allows students to quickly and privately enter their fitness progress to allow for a more personal experience.
      • Students have the opportunity to privately review their daily PA, MVPA, and steps.
      • I use the software data to assess teaching patterns, time on task, class comparisons, student progress, class averages, etc.
      • Software data is also submitted to my evaluator for student achievement results.
      • Individual and customized student results are able to be printed and sent home to allow students to share with family members.

4. Fitnessgram Fitness Testing

  1. I use Google Forms.
    • I can customize the Google form to replicate the hard copy of the Fitnessgram score sheet.
    • I can insert the Fitnessgram standards chart for students to use as a resource.
    • The students may use a laptop or cell phone to easily enter their scores for a more private and personal experience.
    • I can use the responses tab in Google Forms to generate an excel spreadsheet to submit results to my district.
    • No more paper! Think of all the trees you will save!
Google Form Assessment
I use Google Forms with the Fitnessgram standards included for reporting scores.

Learning a new skill takes time and patience, but once learned, it can add so much depth to your existing curriculum! Now go ahead and give these technology tips a try!

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