Using Bitmoji to Create At-Home Resources in Physical Education [Interactive]

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Use this online Facebook Group to learn how to connect with your students using Bitmojis and a Virtual Classroom.

[0:02] On today’s PE Express podcast, I’m going to share with you an online resource to help you learn how to do a virtual classroom and use BitMoji’s to help your kids navigate at home learning.

What is Bitmoji?

[0:33] So I woke up yesterday morning to a Facebook group invite from a dear friend of mine, a co-worker, my son’s former math teacher, she invited me to this Facebook group that I immediately was obsessed about. The name of this Facebook group page is called Bitmoji Craze for Educators and I tell you what, I wish I would have found this resource earlier when this whole quarantine thing started because it literally has changed the way I’ve been connecting with my students for the past two days. This online Facebook group is full of information, tons of tutorials, thousands and thousands of educators sharing their materials of their virtual classrooms and what they did to create certain things and people are obsessed. Educators are obsessed about using Bitmoji’s and I love it. It’s kind of genius and you know, kids love animation so to have a cartoon you is pretty awesome.

[1:36] So if you have no idea what I’m talking about, you don’t know what a bitmoji is, or maybe you do, but you want to know how to use your Bitmoji to connect with your students. You have to check out this Facebook group. It’s full of information. It is just like the greatest thing since sliced bread. So again, the name of the Facebook group page is called Bitmoji Craze for Educators.

How to create a Bitmoji:

How to make your Bitmoji talk:

[2:05] One thing that is for certain, with this whole quarantine thing is it has really pushed educators to learn new things and that’s the great thing about being an educator is you never quit learning. Awesome educators are lifelong learners, but not only that, we’re lifelong sharers. We share the passion of teaching new things and sharing the greatness. I say this all the time to people and I think it’s something that I really feel strongly about, share the greatness, you know, if you have something great, don’t keep it to yourself. I find joy in helping other people be great, be awesome. I want everyone to be successful around me. Why? Because if you’re successful, that means we’re connecting with more students and that’s why I find this page so fascinating. Such a great community of educators who are willing to share their material. So jump on over to Facebook. The name again is Bitmoji Craze for Educators. I am looking forward to seeing so many virtual gyms created out there, you know, with this fall being a big huge question mark and unknown for so many of us, what is school going to look like next fall? You know, this is this is something that we all need to jump on board with and start figuring out how are we going to connect with our students, because we might have to start a school year back with distance learning. I mean, I know that I don’t want to, I’m sure you don’t want to either but we have to be prepared and this is the way to go virtual classrooms and just finding great ways to connect with your students. We just have to be prepared. So thank you for listening. I hope that you have fun creating your little Bitmoji you and I cannot wait to see your stuff out there in the world. So don’t forget to post and share your greatness.

Connect with Shannon on Twitter @Coach_Jarvis and read more blog from Shannon at

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2 Responses

  1. I have been using these resources and the Facegroup since April – so happy I found it the students love it and so do I! Wish I’d discovered it sooner

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