These three partner activities, using a fry pan, a beanbag, and a tennis ball, are fun ways to develop the skill of passing in volleyball. These drills will help students learn to track a moving object and to move with good stance and footwork. All three drills require teamwork, cooperation, and coaching feedback between partners. These drills can be used as a station or with a whole class (provided you have enough fry pans).
The two main points to emphasize in all of the drills are:
1. Bent Legs
2. Straight Arms
Fry Pan Drill #1 (Beanbag Extended Pan Catch):
Partners with the pans should hold the handle similar to the hand position for volleyball passing, with the pan extended out in front of their hands. The partner with the beanbag should toss the beanbag 10 – 15 feet high so their partner has time to move and position the pan to catch it. Partners need to challenge each other to move more as they improve on the two key points. Partners can switch jobs after every five good tosses.
Fry Pan Drill #2 (Beanbag Wrist Pan Catch):
This drill is similar to drill #1, but the pan is turned around and placed on the wrists. Again, students work to hold the pan with their hands similar to the correct passing position.
Fry Pan Drill #3 (Tennis Ball Wrist Pan Pass):
For this drill, a tennis ball is tossed, and the pan is turned upside down on the wrists. This leaves a flat platform as a target to make contact with the ball, similar to passing a volleyball.