3 Squats You Need to Add to Your Fitness Routines!

Looking to add new exercises to your students’ fitness routines? Learn more about the 3 squats that Personal Trainer, Frank Baumholtz, recommends adding to any lower-body workout. 

TRX® Single-Leg Assisted Squat:

* Shown using the TRX® Pro Suspension Trainer™.

Split Squat:

* Shown using PowerBlock® Dumbbells, any dumbbell may be used to add weight.

Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat:

* Shown using PowerBlock® Dumbbells, any dumbbell may be used to add weight.

Do you have a student who is struggling with squats?

Have you ever heard the saying,  “You’re trying to pound a square peg into a round hole”?  Essentially, someone is telling you that your task, goal or idea, just aren’t possible. Sometimes this is also the case with students and squatting. How many times have you run into a student that “just can’t” squat and you want to tell them to keep working on it and they’ll get better? After all, practice makes perfect, right?

Well, some never get better, because they just don’t have the prerequisites to complete the task.  It could be because they have poor ankle dorsiflextion or restricted hip, t-spine and/or shoulder mobility. Ultimatley, you’ll never know unless you run each student through a thorough screening process (i.e. Functional Movement Screen – FMS) and put daily measures (i.e. Functional Range Conditioning) in place to ensure that the prerequisites are attained prior to performing any movement.

Once you have a solid understanding of where your student, athlete or client is at, then and only then can you regress or progress forward.

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