9 Fun Cross-Curricular Match Activities!

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1. Topple Tic Tac Toe Three in a Row

Objective: • Be the first team to get three of your colours in a row

Scroll to next game (Topple Double Tic Tac Toe)

Fundamental Movement Skills: Non-Locomotor (Jumping Jacks, Pull, Push, Push Up, Up and Down)

G 58259 ToppleTubes 1 white

Equipment List:

  • Nine Topple Tubes per game for six players (or nine cups lying on their side—one team plays upside down, the other team plays right side up).

Setting Up:

  • Two teams, of three players each, line up behind a start line. Label one team blue and the other white.
  • Lay nine topple tubes on their sides approximately nine paces away from start line.


  • On the signal to begin the first players run to the topple tubes and stand one tube up so that their colour is on top.
  • Once the first player runs back and tags the second player, the second player does the same… each team trying to get three of their colour in a row and attempt to block their opponents from getting three in a row.
  • Once all nine tubes are standing players can flip one of their opponent’s tubes in an effort to get three in a row.
  • Once one team has three in a row they win. Lay the tubes flat and play again.

Questions & Notes:

  • Question for Understanding:
    • Are there any key spots to control? 
  • Thanks to Gopher’s Jordan Stolp for this idea.

2. Topple Double Tic Tac Toe – Three in a Row

Objective: • Be the first team to get two sets of three of your colors in a row

Scroll to next game (No Grid Tic Tac Toe Explained)

Equipment List:

  • Nine topple tubes per game for six players (or nine cups lying on their side—one team plays upside down; the other team plays right side up).

Setting Up:

  • Two teams, of three players each, line up behind a start line. Label one team blue and the other white.
  • Lay nine topple tubes on their sides approximately nine paces away from start line.


  • On the signal to begin the first players run to the topple tubes and stand one tube up so that their colour is on top.
  • Once the first player runs back and tags the second player, the second player does the same… each team trying to get three of their colour in a row and attempt to block their opponents from getting three in a row.
  • Once all nine tubes are standing players can flip one of their opponent’s tubes in an effort to get three in a row.
  • Once one team has two lines of three in a row they win. Lay the tubes flat and play again.

Questions & Notes:

  • Question for Understanding:
    • Are there any key spots to control? 
  • Thanks to Gopher’s Jordan Stolp for initiating this idea.

3. No Grid Tic Tac Toe Explained

Objective: • To get three markers in a row

Scroll to next game (No Grid Tic Tac Toe Demonstrated)

Equipment List:

  • Two sets of three playing objects per team (half-cones, bean bags, foam squares… of different colours to differentiate the two teams)
  • Half Cones 
  • Bean Bags
  • One starting marker (could be a line, or spot, or bean bag…)

Setting Up:

  • Select pairs of teams of three players each
  • Place a starting marker down
  • Give each team their three playing objects (cups, bean bags, toppletubes…)


  • Decide with rock-paper-scissors who plays first.
  • One player from one team puts one of their team’s markers down.
  • One player from the other team puts their marker down.
  • The next player from the first team places a marker down… Always keeping no more than a three-by-three grid.
  • Continue until one team has lined up three in a row and scores a point for their team
  • Resume another game
  • If either team has three in a row, that team wins and playing objects are picked up and a new game is begun
  • If neither team has three in a row, the first team can pick up one of their own playing objects and place it in a new spot (all the while maintaining a three-by-three grid).
  • If neither team has three in a row, the second team can pick up one of their own playing objects and place it in a new spot (all the while maintaining a three-by-three grid)
  • Continue till one team has three of their playing spots line up in a row

Questions & Notes:

  • Variations:​​
    • Line exercises
      • Those waiting in line are assigned an exercise that they must do a specific number of times, for example each time a runner goes the players in line must complete (specify the exercise and the number of repeats for each new game):
        • Five jumping jacks, or,
        • Three push-ups, or,
        • Two burpees, or….
    • Dribbling a ball and pass back to start next runner
      • Performed the same as the “Running” version except the running player also dribbles a ball to the starting marker while holding a playing object. Once the playing object is placed the runners passes the ball back to the next person in line and the runner runs back to the starting line
  • Questions for Understanding:
    • What are some of the best strategies used to win at this game?

4. No Grid Tic Tac Toe Demonstrated

Objective: • To get three markers in a row

Scroll to next game (No Grid Tic Tac Toe Relay)

Equipment List:

  • Two sets of three playing objects per team (half-cones, bean bags, foam squares… of different colors to differentiate the two players)

Setting Up:

  • Two players face each other in a push up position.
  • Each player has three same-coloured bean bags in front of them.


  • One player begins by placing a bean bag.
  • The next player places his bean bag–keeping in mind that all bean bags need to be placed in a three-by-three square (this can move).
  • The first player plays the second bean bag, then the second player, then the first player, and then the second player.
  • Once all six bean bags have been placed, and if there is no three in a row for either player, then the first player moves one of his bean bags, and then the second player moves one… until one player has three in a row.

5. No Grid Tic Tac Toe Relay

Objective: • To get three markers in a row

Scroll to next game (Tic Tac Toe Four in a Row)

Equipment List:

  • Two sets of three playing objects per team (half-cones, bean bags, foam squares… of different colors to differentiate the two teams)
  • Half Cones 
  • Bean Bags
  • One starting marker (could be a line, or spot, or bean bag…)

Setting Up:

  • Select pairs of teams of three players each
  • Place a starting marker down
  • Give each team their three playing objects


  • Decide with rock-paper-scissors who plays first.
  • Place a starting line five to fifteen paces from the starting marker. Both teams line up behind the starting line with the three players each holding a playing object
  • On the signal to begin, the first two players run to the starting marker and place their first playing object
  • Once the first players have placed their playing object down the second person runs to add their playing marker and the first players run back to the starting line
  • Continue until one team has lined up three in a row and scores a point for their team
  • Resume another game
  • If either team has three in a row, that team wins and playing objects are picked up and a new game is begun
  • If neither team has three in a row, the first team can pick up one of their own playing objects and place it in a new spot (all the while maintaining a three-by-three grid).
  • If neither team has three in a row, the second team can pick up one of their own playing objects and place it in a new spot (all the while maintaining a three-by-three grid)
  • Continue till one team has three of their playing spots line up in a row

Notes and Questions for Understanding:

  • Variations:​​
  • Line exercises
    • Those waiting in line are assigned an exercise that they must do a specific number of times, for example each time a runner goes the players in line must complete (specify the exercise and the number of repeats for each new game):
      • Five jumping jacks, or,
      • Three push-ups, or,
      • Two burpees, or….
  • Dribbling a ball and pass back to start next runner
    • Performed the same as the “Running” version except the running player also dribbles a ball to the starting marker while holding a playing object. Once the playing object is placed the runners passes the ball back to the next person in line and the runner runs back to the starting line
  • Questions for Understanding:
    • What are some of the best strategies used to win at this game?

6. Tic Tac Toe Four in a Row

Objective: To get four in a row of your colour

Scroll to next game (Fair and Square)

Equipment List:

  • 16 Toppletubes (or cups)

Setting Up:

  • Lay down 16 toppletubes (or cups) in a grid pattern.
  • Place a starting line 5-10 paces away
  • Two players, or two teams of two to three players, stand behind the start line.


  • On the single to begin the first players run to the toppletubes and turns one up to their colour.
  • When that player returns the next player goes–each player attempting to get one row of four of their colour in a row.
  • Once all the toppletubes have been turned over players can then turn one of their opponent’s tubes over until one team has four in a row.

Notes and Questions for Understanding:

  • Questions for Understanding:
    • Is it best to play offense or defense or a combination of the two? How does one do that?
    • How can we best help teammates?

6. Tic Tac Toe Four in a Row

Objective: To get four in a row of your colour

Scroll to next game (Fair and Square)

Equipment List:

  • 16 Toppletubes (or cups)

Setting Up:

  • Lay down 16 toppletubes (or cups) in a grid pattern.
  • Place a starting line 5-10 paces away
  • Two players, or two teams of two to three players, stand behind the start line.


  • On the single to begin the first players run to the toppletubes and turns one up to their colour.
  • When that player returns the next player goes–each player attempting to get one row of four of their colour in a row.
  • Once all the toppletubes have been turned over players can then turn one of their opponent’s tubes over until one team has four in a row.

Notes and Questions for Understanding:

  • Questions for Understanding:
    • Is it best to play offense or defense or a combination of the two? How does one do that?
    • How can we best help teammates?

7. Tic Tac Toe Double Four in a Row

Objective: To get two rows of four in your colour

Scroll to next game (Connect Four in any Row)

Equipment List:

  • 16 Toppletubes (or cups)

Setting Up:

  • Lay down 16 toppletubes (or cups) in a grid pattern.
  • Place a starting line 5-10 paces away
  • Two players, or two teams of two to three players, stand behind the start line.


  • On the single to begin the first players run to the toppletubes and turns one up to their colour.
  • When that player returns the next player goes–each player attempting to get two rows of four of their colour in a row.
  • Once all the toppletubes have been turned over players can then turn one of their opponent’s tubes over until one team has two rows of four in a row.

Notes and Questions for Understanding:

  • Questions for Understanding:
    • Is it best to play offense or defense or a combination of the two? How does one do that?
    • How can we best help teammates?

8. Connect Four in any Row

Objective: To connect four of your spots in any row or column or diagonal.

Scroll to next game (Tic Tac Toe Five in a Row with a Dribble)

Equipment List:

  • A checker board grid with two sets of 24 same coloured markers (one set per team)

Setting Up:

  • Set up a start line about five paces from the checker board–make it further away if you want to have the players run more.
  • Each player (or teams of three) has 24 spots of their colour on the ground at the start line.


  • At the signal to begin players take one spot and add it to the bottom row of the board. Then run back to pick up another spot and return to the board.
  • When the players return to the board for the second, third… time they may place their spot on the bottom row or on the row just above where there already is another spot(s).
  • Each player tries to get four in a row horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.
  • First player to do so is the winner.
  • Play again and learn from previous game.

Notes and Questions for Understanding:

  • Questions for Understanding:
    • Is it better to play offensively, defensively, or a combination of the two? Why?

What mental challenge makes this game challenging for you?

9. Tic Tac Toe Five in a Row with a Dribble

Objective: To place five cones in a row before another team does.

Equipment List:

  • Four different coloured sets of 10 cones
  • Four soccer balls–one per team
  • 1 Tarp—or checker board with four sets of different coloured checkers.

Setting Up:

  • Place a tarp in the middle of the playing area.
  • Place a marker 5-10 paces from each edge of the tarp and have the four teams line up behind one of these markers, and each team has their ten half cones and a soccer ball.


  • On the signal to begin, the first player dribbles a soccer ball to the tarp and places a half-cone onto the grid.
  • Once the first player has placed her cone, she passes the ball to the next player in line and thenshe returns to back of her team’s line and the next player runs forward, dribbling a soccer ball, to place her cone…
  • Once all ten of the team’s cones have been placed, the teams can pick up one of their own cones and place it on top of another team’s cone (the other team’s cone is covered and cannot be used again).
  • The first team to get five in a row is the winner.

Notes and Questions for Understanding:

  • Question for Understanding:
    • What are some of the keys to success in this game?

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