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1. Hula Hoop Horseshoe
Objective: Be the first player to score 21 points.
Fundamental Movement Skills: Manipulative Send (Roll)
Equipment List:
- One pylon and four hula hoops per game.
Setting Up:
- Place a cone about 10 paces away from a throw line.
- Two players, each with their own two hula hoops, stand by the start line.
- Use Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine who throws first. After the first round, the last person who threw first goes first for the next round. If a player scores during a round, they would start the next round by throwing last.
- Players take turns rolling a hoop in an attempt to have the hoop land over or close to the cone.
- Points are scores by:
- Three points for a ringer (if both players get a ringer, points are cancelled out and no points are scored). Similar scoring to bags, horseshoes, or other similar yard games.
- One point for each hoop that is closer to the cone than the opponent’s hoop.
- First player to score 21 or higher is the winner.
Questions & Notes:
- Variation:
- Speed version!
- Only ringers count.
- Players each have one hoop
- A player attempts to get a ringer
- If successful that player scores 3 points
- If successful or unsuccessful, players each retrieve their hoop, run back to the throw line and roll again, and again…
- Team version:
- Teams of two play with a cone at either end, and each team having a player at either end.
- Teammates scores are added together.
- Question for Understanding:
- How can a player increase the accuracy of their roll?
2. KickPar
Objective: Score the lowest number of kicks per round.
Scroll to next game (SyncroBall)
Fundamental Movement Skills: Manipulative Send (Kick)
Equipment List:
- Kickpar Set
- Set includes 9 goals (22-1/2” dia; 11 lb)
- 9 numbered metal goal flags
- 6 balls (8.25” dia)
Setting Up:
- Place Kickpar goals at challenging positions in a course so players can easily follow from one hole to the next.
- Each player is given a ball–if you do not have a sufficient number of balls then partner players up and they can take turns kicking the ball.
- Players are distributed throughout the course so that there is no waiting at the first hole.
- To begin, players kick the ball towards the target on the teacher’s signal.
- When the ball is in the target players tally up the number of kicks it took to get the ball into the target.
- Players attempt to go through the course and score the lowest number of kicks. Have students run through the course multiple times to try and beat their score!
Questions & Notes:
- Variation:
- Speed Kickpar: Players attempt to complete the course in a set time period and keep track of the number of kicks/touches it took to complete the course. Add a touch for every 15 seconds later than established time.
- Questions for Understanding:
- Technically, what is the most accurate way of kicking a ball?
- If playing the speed variation, how does speed affect accuracy?
- How do you deal with success and failure?
3. SyncroBall
Objective: Score more goals on opponent’s net than are scored on your net.
Scroll to next game (Disc Golf—With Mobile Stands)
Fundamental Movement Skills: Manipulative Send (Kick)
Equipment List:
- ACTION! SynchroBall Set
- 12 ABS poles (60-1/2″L ea)
- QwikPro Pop-Up Goals
- Biggie! Soccer Balls
Setting Up:
- Set up nets or pins at either end of a court–approximately the size of a volleyball court.
- Establish six zones across the playing area.
- A zone at either end for the goals or pins
- Four equal sized zones
- Place the four poles in each zone
- Players from each team have three players hold a pole in the zone closest to their net/pins, and just over center.
- Give the ball to one team on defense.
- Players must continue to hold their pole and try to advance the ball to their offensive players and score a goal (or knock down a pin).
Questions & Notes:
- Variation:
- Use two balls to increase the activity and mayhem.
- Questions for Understanding:
- What tactics are best used on offense and defense?
- How can players best work together?
- What does it feel like when players work together well/or not?
4. Disc Golf—With Mobile Stands
Objective: Get the lowest score when completing the course.
Scroll to next game (Disc Golf—With Natural Goals)
Fundamental Movement Skills: Manipulative Send (Throw)
Equipment List:
- One disc per player.
- Nine portable disc golf targets.
Setting Up:
- Set up nine goals
- A couple steps from each goal is the tossing line for the next throw.
- Players pick a starting point.
- Players count the number of throws to hit the target–the fewer the better.
- Players complete the entire course–adding up their throws.
Questions & Notes:
- For COVID-19:
- Score anything that lands half-a-body length (tip of fingers to middle of body–to avoid players potentially exchanging COVID through the target.)
- What are the best ways to throw for distance and/or accuracy?
- How do different discs make it easier or more difficult to hit your target?
- How does it feel when the disc flies forever at the target–add those moments to your motor memory 🙂
5. Disc Golf—With Natural Goals
Objective: Get the lowest score when completing the course.
Scroll to next game (Team Launch)
Fundamental Movement Skills: Manipulative Send (Throw)
Equipment List:
- One disc per player
Setting Up:
- Set up nine goals (trees, picnic tables, signs….)
- A couple steps from each goal is the tossing line for the next throw.
- Players pick a starting point.
- Players count the number of throws to hit the target–the fewer the better.
- Players complete the entire course–adding up their throws.
Questions & Notes:
- What are the best ways to throw for distance and/or accuracy?
- How do different discs make it easier or more difficult to hit your target?
- How does it feel when the disc flies forever at the target–add those moments to your motor memory 🙂
6. Team Launch Volleyball Set
Objective: Be the first team to score 25 points
Fundamental Movement Skills: Manipulative Send (Toss), Manipulative Receive (Catch)
Equipment List:
- ACTION! Team Launch Volleyball Set
- 6 parachutes
- 1 Large D-Lite ball
Setting Up:
- Teams of nine players stand on either side of the net.
- In groups of three, players hold onto a small parachute.
- One team is given the ball near the net.
- The players with the ball at the net serves the ball over the net.
- Players on the other side of the net catch the ball with their parachute.
- Players with the ball on their parachute cannot move with the ball on their parachute but they must pass it to one of their other groups of three, who must then pass it to the other group of three, who must then toss the ball back over the net to the other team.
- If the ball goes out of bounds, touches the floor, is not passed to each group, or is passed to one group twice, the other team scores a point and gets to serve.
Questions for Understanding:
- Offensively, what are the best tactics to make it difficult for the defense to return the ball?
- Defensively, what are the best tactics to be able to receive the ball most effectively?
8 Responses
Love love these activities. I am a physical education teacher for all ages and I can modify these activities.
I would love to receive emails since I am always looks for new ideas.
Thank you
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Love these activities. I am a physical education teacher and these are so useful.
Please send me emails so I can see more activities.
Here are more ideas 🙂
• Follow/Subscribe with John on Tuesdays and Thursdays:
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o Instagram: @canadago4sport
• Learn and follow/subscribe to many great ideas at his sites at:
o Website (700+ activities; 400+ videos):
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o YouTube (400+ videos):
Thank you for these amazing games during these difficult times. The creative games inspire me so they inspire my students too. Keep them coming.
Great Activities! Very creative and simple to setup. My kids will absolutely love the challenges of working together and independently.
Thanks for the fun game games in these pandemic time.
You are welcome. • Follow/Subscribe with John on Tuesdays and Thursdays:
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o Instagram: @canadago4sport
• Learn and follow/subscribe to many great ideas at his sites at:
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