1. Ice Age
Scroll to next tag game (StickIt On tag)
For four ice-makers to freeze all the players.
Fundamental Movement Skills:
- Locomotor Skills (Dodge, Run)
- Manipulative Send (Throwing)
- Manipulative Receive (Catching)
Equipment List:
- Four half-length pool noodles
- Two balls
Setting Up:
- Players are in a scattered position in the playing area.
- Four ice-makers hold a pool noodle.
- Two other players hold a ball.
- On the signal to begin, the ice-makers tag the other players. When players are tagged, they hold one hand up pointing to the sky (they are icicles).
- Players holding the ball cannot move but can throw the “thawing” balls to icicles to thaw them out.
- If a player holding a ball gets tagged that ball is out of play.
- When both players holding the ball are tagged, the Ice Age has happened and the game ends.
- Play again 🙂
Questions & Notes:
- Questions for Understanding:
- How can taggers increase their success in tagging everyone–especially the ball carriers?
- What strategies can the non-ice-makers use to decrease the ice age from happening?
- Variation: Use different locomotor options (Gallop, jump, skip, heel-toe…)
- Thanks to Kat Cox at NYShape 2019.
2. StickIt On
Scroll to next tag game (Bug Tag)
To be on the team with the fewest balls on their back or in their hands.
Fundamental Movement Skills:
- Locomotor (Dodge, Run)
- Manipulation Send (Give, Throw)
Equipment List:
Setting Up:
- Players are assigned two teams and given blue or red pinnies.
- Each player puts one ball on their back.
- Players are in a scattered position in the playing area.
- On the signal to begin players take a ball off their back and attempt to place the balls onto the backs of their opponents.
- Only allowed to add one ball at a time.
- Only allowed to hold one ball at a time.
- Players may not block the backs of their teammates.
- Players may not have more than three balls on their backs.
- If the ball drops, the player needs to pick up the ball. There should be no balls on the floor.
- When a pre-set time is completed, the leader stops the game.
- Teams count the number of balls on their backs and the team with the fewest balls on their backs or in their hands wins.
Questions & Notes:
- What are some of the best offensive strategies to consider? Positioning? Support?
- What are some of the best defensive strategies to consider? Positioning? Support?
- What might the above say about leadership?
3. Bug Tag
Scroll to next tag game (Ultimate Everybody It tag)
For its to make all players dying bugs.
Fundamental Movement Skills:
- Locomotor (Dodge, Run)
Equipment List:
Set Up:
- Players are in a scattered position within the playing area.
- One out of every five to six players is given a tag-it mitt.
- On the leader’s signal to begin the Its try to tag all the players.
- When players are tagged they become dying bugs, laying with their back on the ground, and with both of their feet and hands up in the air.
- Players not tagged can tap a hand or foot of a dying bug.
- When all four appendages have been tagged the dying bug is revived and can join in, avoid getting tagged again, and help revive other bugs.
Questions & Notes:
- Variation:
- Instead of using tag-it mitts use half length pool noodles as bug spray.
- Questions for understanding:
- How might taggers work together their maximize their success?
- How might free players minimize them getting tagged?
4. Ultimate Everyone It
Scroll to next tag game (Unique Rabbit)
To be the last player standing
Fundamental Movement Skills:
- Locomotor (Dodge, Run)
- Manipulative Send (Throw)
-Equipment List:
- One oversized foam tennis ball per every 3-4 players.
Setting Up:
- Players stand in a scattered position within the playing area.
- About a third of the players hold an oversized foam tennis ball.
- On the leader’s signal to begin, all players can run, and players with a ball try to throw it at another player.
- If a player is hit by the light foam ball, that player sits down.
- The seated player resumes play when:
- The player that hit them is hit, or,
- If a ball rolls to them and they hit another player with that ball.
- Play till one player is left standing or for a predetermined time.
Questions & Notes:
- Questions for Understanding:
- What are important considerations when trying not to get hit by a ball?
- What are important considerations when trying to hit someone with a ball?
5. Unique Rabbit
Scroll to next tag game (Komkin)
To tag a player and not get tagged back before running across a start line.
Fundamental Movement Skills:
- Locomotor (Running)
Setting Up:
- Establish a start line–that is far from walls so players can safely run past this line.
- Establish an end line.
- Players partner up and one of the players stands at the start line, the other player stands at the end line facing away from the start line.
- The players from the start line quietly move up to their partner on the end line.
- When they wish they tap their partner on the back and attempt to run back past the start line without getting tagged by their partner.
- Switch roles.
- Play again.
Questions & Notes:
- Variation:
- Players carry a basketball with them and must dribble a ball when running to the start line.
- Questions for understanding:
- What is key to success for offensive players?
- What is key to success for defensive players?
- Thanks Chris Wilson, from CIRA Ontario, for demonstrating this game.
6. Komkin
For each team to have at least one player left at the end of a game.
Fundamental Movement Skills:
- Locomoto (Running)
Equipment List:
Setting Up:
- Establish a start line where offensive team lines up behind–for safety sake make sure this line is far away from walls so players can safely run past this line.
- Establish an end line (about 10-15 paces away) where the defensive team lines up behind.
- Place a thinpin in the centre of the court one pace away from the end line.
- Offensive players move forward when they are ready and move forward to try and grab the thinpin and return it past their start line.
- If they are successful they win the game for their team.
- If they are tagged by a defensive player on the way back they are out and thinpin is returned to its spot.
- If they are tagged by a defensive player and they did not take the thinpin they are also out.
- If a defensive player crosses the end line and tags a player(s) before they cross behind the start line, then the tagged player(s) is out.
- If a defensive player crosses the end line and does not tag a player then the defensive player is out.
- Once defensive players cross the end line they must tag a player or they are out–no coming back over the end line unless they tag an offensive player.
- If either team has no players left they lose the game.
- Switch roles.
Questions & Notes:
- Variation:
- Players carry a basketball with them and must dribble a ball when running to the start line.
- Questions for understanding:
- What is key to success for offensive players?
- What is key to success for defensive players?
- Thanks Chris Wilson, from CIRA Ontario, for demonstrating this game.