7 Innovative Invasion Games for PE

** This blog is being shared to provide activity ideas for future use. Gopher strongly recommends following your district, state, and CDC guidelines for practicing safe Physical Education during the pandemic.

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For 60+ more Invasion Games.

1. Ricochet Ball

Objective: Score more points than the opposing team by catching balls from their team’s ricochet rally ball.

Scroll to next game (Ricochet Triple Ball)

Fundamental Movement Skills: Locomotor (Dodge, Run), Manipulative Send (Throw), Manipulative Receive (Block, Catch)

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Students can deflect balls to try and score (or defend) with the Ricochet Rally shields

Equipment List:

Setting Up:

  • Use a basketball court   
  • Each team begins on their half of the court
  • One player from each team stands in the basketball crease in the other half of the court. This player holds one Ricochet Rally Shield
  • One goalie from each team stands on the goal line between the goal posts -no other players may enter the crease


  • Give the ball to a player from one of the two teams.
  • Players with the ball can only pivot and cannot otherwise travel while holding the ball.
  • Players pass the ball to each other in efforts to move the ball closer to their ricochet rally player.
  • Players score by throwing the ball, at their player holding the ricochet rally shield, who attempts to ricochet the ball into the goal.
  • When the ball lands on the floor (not including the ricochet on the goal) or is intercepted or after a point is scored, the other team gets possession of the ball.

Questions & Notes:

  • Questions for Understanding:
    • What are some of the best strategies to score points?
    • What are some of the best strategies to prevent the other team from scoring points?

2. Ricochet Triple Ball

Objective: Score more points than the opposing team by catching balls from their team’s ricochet rally ball.

Scroll to next game (Drag’N Tails Dunk)

Fundamental Movement Skills: Locomotor (Dodge, Run), Manipulative Send (Throw), Manipulative Receive (Block, Catch)

Equipment List:

  • Three Foam Balls

Setting Up:

  • Use a basketball court
  • Each team begins on their half of the court
  • One player from each team stands in their basketball crease in the other half of the court. This player (Ricochet Rally) holds one foam ball–no other players may enter the crease.


  • Give the remaining ball to a player from one of the two teams.
  • Players with the ball can only pivot and cannot otherwise travel while holding the ball.
  • Players pass the ball to each other in efforts to move the ball closer to their ricochet rally player.
  • Players score by catching a ball ricocheted off their ricochet player’s ball. Defense can attempt to knock the ball away.
  • When the ball lands on the floor or is intercepted or after a point is scored, the other team gets possession of the ball.

Questions & Notes:

  • Questions for Understanding:
    • What are some of the best strategies to score points?
    • What are some of the best strategies to prevent the other team from scoring points?

3. Drag’N Tails Dunk

Objective: Score points by dunking a ball into the goal without losing your dragon tail.

Scroll to next game (Mobile Baseline)

Fundamental Movement Skills: Locomotor (Dodge, Run), Manipulative Send (Throw), Manipulative Receive (Block, Catch)

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Student have to practice quick footwork with these unique belts called Drag’N Tails.

Equipment List:

Setting Up:

  • Use a volleyball court (or play outdoors on soccer field)—there needs to be a center line to divide the teams into two zones.
  • Place a basket in the middle of the two zones.
  • Each team begins on their half of the court.


  • Give the ball to a player from one of the two teams.
  • Players with the ball can only pivot and cannot otherwise travel while holding the ball; players can use one step to dunk the ball.
  • Players pass the ball to each other in an effort to move the ball closer to their end zone.
  • Players score by dunking the ball into the basket.
  • When the ball lands on the floor, it is intercepted, after a point is scored or if a ball carrier’s tail is removed, the other team gets possession of the ball.
  • When any player crosses the center line their flag can be pulled. When flags are pulled those players must return to their half of the court and reattach their flags.

Questions & Notes:

  • Questions for Understanding:
    • What are some of the best strategies to score points? ​
    • What are some of the best strategies to prevent the other team from scoring points?

4. Mobile Baseline

Objective: Teams try to be the first to fill their basket with all their balls

Scroll to next game (Mobile Fill Own)

Fundamental Movement Skills: Locomotor (Dodge, Run), Manipulative Send (Throw), Manipulative Receive (Block, Catch)

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The mobile goals add an extra level of excitement as students can move the target to make scoring more challenging.

Equipment List:

Setting Up:

  • Use a volleyball court with a center line—the end of the volleyball court is the end zone.
  • Each team begins on their half of the court with all of their balls.
  • One player from each team is in the opposite end zone with a mobile goal.


  • On the signal to begin, players attempt to toss balls from their half of the court into their mobile goal, the other team cannot go in the end zone, but can, on their own half,  otherwise attempt to deflect the other team’s balls from successfully making it into the mobile goal.
  • When a ball does not make it into the mobile goal, players can run into the other team’s zone to pick up the ball and run it back to their half (players cannot toss the balls back).

Team which fills their basket first scores a point. Spread the balls out again, and play again…

Questions & Notes:

  • Questions for Understanding:
    • What are some of the best strategies to fill your cart? ​
    • What are some of the best strategies to prevent the other team from filling their cart?

5. Mobile Fill Own

Objective: Teams try to be the first to fill their basket with all their balls.

Scroll to next game (Ultimania Ball)

Fundamental Movement Skills: Locomotor (Dodge, Run), Manipulative Send (Throw), Manipulative Receive (Block, Catch)

Equipment List:

Setting Up:

  • Use an open space.
  • Place a basket in the middle of the two zones—one goalie for each team is at their team’s basket.
  • Players are in scattered position in playing area.
  • Balls are scattered throughout the playing area.


  • On the signal to begin, players pick up balls and attempt to toss them into their team’s basket or pass it to players closer to their team’s basket.
  • Players with the ball can only pivot and cannot otherwise travel while holding the ball.
  • The goalie may move with the Mobile basket to get closer to their teammates with balls.
  • The opposite team can play defensively by knocking away the other team’s balls.
  • When all balls from one team are in their basket the round is stopped, the team that filled their basket first scores a point, disperse the balls, play again…

Questions & Notes:

  • Variation
    • Any balls tossed into the opponent’s goal, score minus two when counting points when all balls from one team are in the baskets.
  • Questions for Understanding:
    • What are some of the best strategies to fill your cart? ​
    • What are some of the best strategies to prevent the other team from filling their cart?

6. Ultimania Ball

Objective: Score points by tossing a ball or disc through the Ultimania target

Scroll to next game (Ultimate Basketball Hoops)

Fundamental Movement Skills: Locomotor (Dodge, Run), Manipulative Send (Throw), Manipulative Receive (Block, Catch)

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Increase the scoring opportunities by adding goals to your next Ultimania game!

Equipment List:

Setting Up:

  • Use a basketball court
  • The Ultimania targets are placed in the middle of a basketball key–no players may enter the crease.

Each team begins on their half of the court.


  • Give the ball to a player from one of the two teams.
  • Players with the ball can only pivot and cannot otherwise travel while holding the ball.
  • Players pass the ball to each other in efforts to move the ball closer to their Ultimania Target.
  • Players score by throwing their ball or disc through the Ultimania Target.
  • When the ball/disc lands on the floor or is intercepted or after a point is scored, the other team gets possession of the ball.

Questions for Understanding:

  • Questions for Understanding:
    • What are some of the best strategies to score points? ​
    • What are some of the best strategies to prevent the other team from scoring points?

7. Ultimate Basketball Hoops

Objective: For each team to score more baskets than their opposing team.

Fundamental Movement Skills: Locomotor (Run), Manipulative Send (Throw), Manipulative Receive (Catch)

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Smaller multipurpose balls are perfect for team-based games

Equipment List:

  • Eight cones to define two creases.
  • One hula-hoop per team.

One OMNIKIN® ball per game.

Setting Up:

  • Place a square crease (two to three paces across) on either end of the playing area.
  • One player from each team stands in their crease holding a hula hoop–must always be held horizontally.
  • Other players are in a scattered position in the playing area.
  • One player is given the ball.


  • Players with the ball can take three dribbles with the ball and, when stopped, can only pivot, and have three seconds to pass the ball.
  • Players attempt to pass the ball to teammates and toss the ball into the hoop held horizontally by their goal-keeper.
  • When a goal is scored another player switch roles with the goal-keeper.
  • Defense cannot attempt to knock the ball away from the player holding the ball.

Any ball that hits the ground or is intercepted goes to the other team.

Questions for Understanding:

  • Variation: Four Team:
    • Have four teams play at the same time with one or two balls.
  • Thanks to OMNIKIN® and Scott Williams at NYS AHPERD  2019.

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