Author: Janine Wilkins

Janine has been teaching Physical Education at Carl Sandburg High School in Orland Park Illinois for twenty years. She graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago with a degree in Kinesiology and holds a K-12 Illinois teaching certificate for Physical Education. She completed her masters at Olivet University in School Administration. At Sandburg, she works with a variety of students and has taught and continues to teach Co-ed Freshmen PE, Junior Leaders PE, PEOPEL PE (our adapted PE program I helped create 18 years ago), PEOPEL Tutors/Training (a separate class that hand selects general education students to lead for our PEOPEL Program), Strength and Conditioning and Group Fitness. She’s also an assistant Girls Cross Country Coach and volunteers for our girls track program. She have been married to her wonderful husband Scott (who is also a physical education teacher) for nineteen years. They have two wonderful teenagers, Emily and Ryan that attend the same school she teaches at and have both been involved in our PEOPEL program. In the past she has presented on her PEOPEL program at IHAPERD state convention in Illinois as well as the DuPage County PE Convention. She would love to help other schools create a similar program for their students and community.