Dynamic PE ASAP: Free Online Activity Ideas and Curriculum

Podcast Transcript:

I want to tell you a little bit about DynamicPEASAP.com. It’s a brand new curriculum guide. It’s fast, effective and free. In fact, it’s all my lesson plans that I’m giving away free of charge to all teachers. Gopher has put it online and made it ready to use. Let me tell you more.

Welcome to the PE Express podcast. Two to three times a week of PE Expert will share a tip, activity idea or teaching strategy to help you become a better PE professional. Today’s host is the author of Dynamic PE ASAP and Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University, Dr Robert Pangrazi.

DynamicPEASAP is internet based and evidence based curriculum that features all my Dynamic Physical Education lesson plans. The 19th edition, we’ve sold over a million copies of the textbook and I felt like it was time to give back to teachers and say, here, here are all the lessons for you that you can download, printout on five by eight cards or on eight and a half by 11 sheets or put on your iPad and there are all kinds of ways that you can print them out immediately and take them into the gym or out onto the activity field ready to teach. When you get to the site, all you have to do is filter and browse for the lessons you want. There are three grade levels, K-2, 3-4, and 5-8. There are the four lesson parts and you can search for each part individually if you don’t feel like putting together some lesson plans my entire yearly plan is up for all three levels and you can look at that.

You can download these lessons quickly, you can save them or you can add your own parts to them and make them uniquely yours. Each lesson contains standards, outcomes, instructions on how to teach things and teaching hints. In addition, there are over 150 assessments so you can pull up an assessment tool for that lesson focus. It will tell you the equipment you need, it will offer keywords and then allow you to print it. In addition, embedded into each lesson focus and other lesson parts are videos and you can watch a video on how to teach it and learn from trained PE professionals.

The formative assessment instruments allow you to evaluate each lesson part. There’s different strategies such as teacher questioning, teacher checklist. You can print out self assessment sheets, peer assessment sheets, and it will make your assessment much easier.

So you now have a way to create a yearly lesson plan to create individual lesson plans, to personalize it, to meet your needs and it’s all free. So one more time. If you’ll go to DynamicPEASAP.com. That’s all one word, dynamic p e, a s, a p and check it out. All you have to do is register and it’s yours to use, free of charge. All the best for a great year.

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3 Responses

  1. Hello , I am a teacher with 25+ Years of experience. I am finding myself in an uneasy place. I believe that I will have to teach my classes virtually in the new school year. I do not know where to begin. I was reading your blog here and am interested in possibly getting more information. My email is sherai_jones@dpsnc.net
    Thank you in advance.

  2. I find it difficult to adapt to new normal especially in teaching PE classes online. I read some of your PE blogs and I find it interesting. I am willing to learn and get help from PE professionals just like you. I am interested to learn more from you and be able to apply these activities to my PE classes this coming school year. Thank you very much in advance. God bless your generous heart.

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