It is nearing the end of the year and it’s time to plan one of your biggest events, field day! It can be a big undertaking with trying to figure out the theme, each event, how many volunteers you will need, organizing a schedule, and what dates/times work best. I hope in reading this blog you can take away some tips and suggestions that you find useful in creating your event.
What is Field Day?
Field day is an event used to commemorate the school year coming to an end, usually held in May or June. Field day includes engaging in moderate to vigorous activities that are developmentally appropriate for each grade level.
Planning your Field Day:
Get Other Specialists and Adminstration Involved!
When planning your field day, you will want to include your related specialists and your administration throughout the entire process. Before consulting with your team look at the school calendar for possible dates. Find a week that works with your team’s schedule. Communicate with the other specialists about the weeks you picked. As a team, agree on a week that works best then pick a day, Fridays tend to work really well! Now that your day has been picked, think of a theme and events that coordinate with each theme.
Determine your Location:
Think of the location of the events. A field works best however, if you do not have a field, use the pavement, gym, or space you have been using throughout the year for your class. Something to consider when planning your location is safety. Is your location safe for an entire grade level, staff, and parent volunteers? Communicate with your school nurse and administration before finalizing any plans you have for your designated location. You may begin communicating with staff, students, and parents about field day as soon as all your plans have been approved by your administration.
Field Day Activities:
Last year, I held my field day from 10-2 on May 11th and had a backup day set for June 9th. I seperated students by last name and had three different time slots for students to participate!
A- H (10 am- 11 am)
I- Q (11:30 am- 12:30 pm)
R- Z (1:00 pm – 2:00 pm)
My Field Day Events:
50 yard Dash:
Relay race, students will race one at a time to the cone at the end. Once the first student has reached the finish line, the next runner can go. Placements will be marked on the pavement to keep students 6 ft apart.
Spoon Race:
Relay race, students will use a plastic spoon and a plastic egg and try to go from cone to cone without dropping their egg. If the egg is dropped, students will need to pick it up, and place it back on the spoon before continuing.
Hula Hoop Showdown:
Students race in two teams to get the other team’s side by hopping on one leg through each hula hoop. When the team members reach the other side, they must play rock, paper, scissors and win to continue moving forward. The student that loses must go back to their team’s side and get into the back of the line. A new player from their team starts.
Look For The Good:
Relay race, random objects will be placed at a cone. Students will be placed on teams. One at a time, students will travel to the cone at the end of their lane and try to find an item that begins with an L, F, T, or G. Once a team has all the items their team wins!
Drop and Pop Relay:
Students will be placed into teams. One at a time, each student will travel down to the end of their lane to sit in a chair and pop a balloon. Once their balloon is popped, they must run back to their team and the next student in line will go.
Fill the Bucket:
Students will underhand throw bean bags into their bucket. The team that finishes first with all of their bean bags in the bucket wins.
Use Your Noodle:
Relay race, students will place a piece of pool noodle between their knees and try to as fast as they can reach the end of their lane. If a student drops their noodle they must pick it back up and place it between their knees again before moving forward. Once all the members of their team have completed the relay the game ends.
Keep it Up:
Using parachutes, students will try to keep the ball up in the air. The team that has their ball on their parachute at the end of the song being played wins.
Ongoing Events Throughout the Day:
Cake Walk:
Every 30 minutes students will earn the opportunity to play in a cake walk. A random drawing will take place when the music stops.
Face Painting:
Ms. Gerber will be painting faces following CDC and county guidelines.
Food and drinks will be available for purchase at a table. All of the proceeds will go towards the physical education APE fundraiser.
Field Day Scavenger Hunt:
Students when entering the event can participate in a scavenger hunt. The items on the card will be scattered through the event stations. Students who collect all items on their card will be able to pick out a prize from the table.
Extra Tables:
There may be extra tables placed out for community resources such as Sherriff Dept (DARE) or volunteer-led activities.
Roles & Responsibilities of Teachers, Students, and Volunteers
Each person involved in field day has a specific role and responsibility. Teachers associated with the grade level participating in the events during their designated time can assist with supervising the activities. Ask them to help you in making sure the activities run smoothly and students are following the safety rules. Remind students to be respectful, responsible, and ready to participate displaying good sportsmanship throughout the day. Make sure the rules are clearly stated before each event. Volunteers may consist of parents or staff and can be assigned to each event on the field. They can assist with student safety, provide additional support, and participate in the events.
The Importance of Field Day
Remember that field day is a day most students look forward to. It is also an opportunity to show your school and community the importance of your physical education program. Do you have any suggestions or tips for planning a successful field day? Place your comments below, we would love to hear from you.
One Response
I think Field Days should be games/activities and/or skills that were taught within the school year. These activities may be modified to fit equipment, time, space, volunteers, and weather conditions. There has to always be some type of race and with various strategies on-going. This may include team events/activities or individual. Last, it should be inclusive and adaptable to many.