Hula Hoops and ChulaHoops: What’s the Difference?

If you have never been able to sustain the hula hoop before, it was not your fault. It was the fault of the hoop! It’s not opinion. It’s geometry.

ChulaHoops utilize Toroidal Equilibrium so that 85% of users have success on the first throw! When the toroid (the hoop) corresponds to the axis (the body), it is easy. Long gone are the days of not knowing what to say when you or your student cannot do it. Every Body Can Do It with ChulaHoops making it a truly all inclusive, non competitive activity. Even the plus, tall and challenged thrive with the Extreme ChulaHoop which also serves like training wheels. Bigger is easier!

See the magic of the Extreme ChulaHoop!

Watch hundreds of PE teachers Hula hooping (some for of the first time) at TAHPERD!

Gopher is Sharing the Joy of Success!

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ChulaHoops are available in 3 sizes: Junior, Original, and Extreme!

After hooping with over twenty thousand people during research and development, ChulaHoops USA came up with the perfect hoops that brings the joy of success to everybody from K-12 and beyond. In the time-honored tradition of bringing the best to the PE world, Gopher debuted ChulaHoops at SHAPE National this year. Teachers from coast to coast participated in the challenges at the booth and experienced the joy firsthand. “I’ve never been able to do it before!” was heard over and over again.

Physical and Mental Benefits of Hula Hooping

The ability to sustain the ChulaHoop at the waist translates into students hooping and enjoying the myriad of benefits that the practice has to offer the mind, body and spirit.

Hula hooping is a dynamic form of exercise that significantly benefits the heart. It also improves core strength, coordination, and increases mobility! The rhythmic, meditative motion of hooping helps in reducing stress and anxiety, increases endorphin production, and elevates mood!

Hula hooping engages students far more than building hula huts or playing ring toss, leading them to naturally gravitate towards this cardiovascular and enjoyable activity.

Professional Development and Curriculum

When students use traditional hula hoops, they often struggle. As a result, it becomes challenging to guide a class through a series of rhythmic motions. This can potentially cause embarrassment and hurt their self-esteem.

With ChulaHoops, Every Body can do it! This allows you to focus on your instruction and desired outcomes. ChulaHoops offers professional development and curriculum that aligns with standards, making it possible to teach hula hooping to the entire class. This ensures that every student can experience the joy of hooping at the same time!

Chula Hoops Curriculum: Unit One


What are teachers saying about ChulaHoops?

BEST hula hoops on the market – from 30 year PE teacher! 

BY FAR, the best hula hoops. My special ed students are successful with them, which is such a JOY. Every student is successful with these! MOST kindergarteners get it as well, even though they seem large for them. I would give them TEN STARS if I could!

– Mary

Amazing Product!

I tried out ChulaHoops at TAHPERD and was immediately hooked. I bought some to bring back to my campus to try out and it was amazing to see kids that have never been able to successfully hula hoop, finally get it and be successful. They work well for students of all ages, I recommend purchasing the original size if you have multiple grade levels. Finally a hulahoop was created for all students of all sizes! Great product! Definitely purchase!

– Kristin

Made for Success!

I am a P.E. teacher and ever since I introduced these hoops to my students, the success rate of them learning to hula hoop has increased exponentially! These hoops are sturdy and are very well made, unlike traditional hoops.

– Mayra

Born in Texas, Made in the USA

ChulaHoops is affectionately known as the brand that TAHPERD built. ChulaHoops has taught over 700 teachers across 12 districts in Texas.  Enjoy watching PE teachers experience the joy of success in an exhibition class.

Post Exhibit Class Testimonies

Join the Revolution

Share the Joy of Success with your students with a class set of ChulaHoops.

Order enough Original ChulaHoops for your largest class size and 10% Extreme ChulaHoops.

No one deserves to feel bad because they can’t hula hoop.

Every Body Can Do It with ChulaHoops.

For more details and videos visit

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