[0:02] Hi everyone, happy Random Acts of Kindness Week. On today’s PE Express podcast, I’ll share my thoughts on why implementing lessons around kindness and mindfulness in the middle of a growing mental-health crisis and pandemic is more important than ever and share some new resource is from the health. moves. minds. program that could be used during random acts of kindness week or anytime during the year.
[1:03] After talking with teachers around the nation and seeing the onslaught of school shootings, trauma, and bullying throughout recent history, SHAPE America knew that we needed to do something different, we needed to support our students in a different way. We needed to take the privileges we had as a national organization and this access to this incredible community of teachers that we had, harness it, and use that platform to make a change.
[1:27] Lessons that focus on social-emotional learning and equity, diversity, and inclusion are a must in our nation right now. This is more important than ever and health. moves. minds. is ideal for what’s happening in schools right now.
[1:40] There have been several articles recently talking about students experiencing trauma due to social distancing and at-home learning. So implementing a social-emotional learning program through health and physical education programs is very important.
[1:56] Our kids are missing an integral aspect of basic socialization through necessary physical distancing practices we are missing the opportunity to connect and that is why making efforts to teach SEL and support social-emotional connectedness are so critical.
"Kids are missing an integral aspect of basic socialization through necessary physical distancing practices. That is why making efforts to teach SEL and support social-emotional connectedness are so critical." @ytaji_farouki Share on X[2:13] We want to help build stronger, more culturally sensitive schools where our kids feel safe to be themselves, no matter their backgrounds, it is safe to learn. There is so much that we need to do as a society and so much work we have to do, but one great place to start is our schools.
What is health. moves. minds?
[2:31] For anyone that’s new to have the health. moves. minds. program, it is a service-learning program where we combined educational objectives while giving back to the school and/or community. We’re teaching children that it is equally as important to take care of their mind as it is their body. We are empowering!
[2:49] Our lessons focus around kindness, mindfulness, and empowerment. We’re teaching kids to be better members of society for themselves and for others. Kindness sounds kind of fluffy, right? What we’re really teaching is being mindful, being respectful, being compassionate, and ultimately being problem-solving.
[3:08] Students will be able to take away these daily skills that they’re going to use every day of their lives, like how to react to a friend, thinking through their actions, whether that’s in school or at home. They can use these skills to help them make better decisions, help them make quicker decisions, help them react in a kind way, and help shape their well-being. This will help them build friendships and build relationships. All of that roots and kindness.
[3:36] What makes this program stand out is that kids can identify the concepts being taught through the lessons almost immediately. Everybody’s felt sad. Everybody’s felt overwhelmed. Kids of all ages can relate to these concepts, and applying these strategies and skills that are taught in the program are things that students could do right away.
[3:56] In short, teaching students that taking care of your body and your mind as well as being kind to others can help you live your best, healthiest life. Thanks for listening today. Join us throughout the week to hear directly from teachers who have implemented the health. moves. minds. lessons in their school and have seen an immediate impact.