Teaching year after year creates a sense of confidence and maturity among children. In addition, finding activities that are successful is something all teachers want in their curriculum. Experience is the key factor for many quality physical education programs to flourish. However, it is also easy to become so comfortable with what we are teaching that a reluctance to change is naturally created. Six-year-old children will always be six. However, the way they play and learn will constantly change with time as our society continues to change.
It is our job as teachers to continue to learn how to adapt in order to most effectively continue to teach children. In today’s society, using technology to reach children is necessary to revitalize pedagogy.
SHAPE America (Society of Healthy and Physical Educators) states that quality physical education programs should be incorporating technology in their classrooms. Thinking about using technology as a teaching tool can be overwhelming. From apps and iPads to exergaming and interactive fitness, there is a technology available for just about any need a teacher may have.
Below are just a few categories of technology with possible curriculum ideas that teachers could consider incorporating in their classroom:
Category |
Example Tools |
Curriculum Ideas |
Gizmos |
Apps on iPads, Tablets, Smartphones |
Exergaming |
Presentation Methods |
Brain Breaks |
Incorporating technology in physical education should be approached in a similar manner as any traditional lesson plan. Teachers should decide what content they are teaching and the objectives of the lesson.
The next step is choosing what “tool” can and should be used to accomplish the objectives. The tool could be cones, jump ropes, or an app on an iPad. Regardless, the lessons should be thought out and well orchestrated whether the teacher is using technology or not. Many technologies are inexpensive or free of charge; teachers should read reviews and have a plan of how the technology will be used in their curriculum before implementing anything.
At the end of the day, technology should be used only if the teacher feels like it will make their lesson more efficient and effective. The one thing that is certain is that teachers must learn to adapt to our changing society and try to reach children in new ways.
Technology has a large influence in our children’s everyday life and should be a part of the physical education curriculum.