Student Accountability During HS Virtual PE [Interactive]

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[0:03] In talking with so many of my physical education colleagues from across the country. Many of us, including myself, have lots of questions and wonderings in terms of what the best methods are in holding our physical education students accountable during our virtual PE classes. Today, I’m going to share some of my thoughts with you on what has worked best for me and with my students.

[0:48] So when it comes to holding my physical education students accountable during my virtual PE setting and classes, there’s about four or five different things that I’m trying to currently tackle so that I’m feeling really good about my student products that I’m receiving. But also so I as the teacher feel really comfortable with how I’m holding my students accountable.

Enter and Exit Ticket Assessments

[1:12] So the first way that I’m holding my students accountable is I assign my students a daily do now for them at the beginning of each class after our warm-up activity. The daily do now form through the Google form that I assign them is usually one or two questions about whatever the daily objective is gonna be. So an example of that might be, “please read today’s objective and describe to me how you can take today’s learning and implement it in your life. Please give me one or two ways.” This at least shows me that the students have read the objective and they know what the learning for the day is gonna be. On the same note, I also give my students a daily exit ticket that is just one or two accumulating questions about what the learning for the day is and either how they implemented it or how they can use the learning later on in their life.

Google Slides + Pear Deck

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So that’s kind of my beginning and ending accountability pieces on each lesson, but during my lesson, I’ve become a big fan of using a Google slide show and embedding my slide shows with the use of Pear Deck so that I can get live student feedback during my lessons and gain an understanding on which students are engaged, but also most importantly, which students either have a great understanding of the content or which students may be caught up a little bit. It also gives me feedback on if I either need a slowdown or re-explain a certain part of the assignment or a certain part of the curriculum that I’m trying to teach.

Weekly Activity Log with Reflection Questions

[3:05] Now in terms of the physical portions of my lessons, the two main things that I’m currently doing that will hold my students accountable is I have my students maintain and keep a weekly activity log to where they have to document all of their physical activity that they’re doing each day and each week. And then I want them to align that to the certain health components of fitness that they think they’re improving upon as they’re doing each activity. Now also at the end of each activity log are reflection questions that I want my students engaging in. So I see what the reflection is and what their current thoughts on the week we’re in terms of how they thought their activity went.

Heart Rate Monitors + Pedometers

[3:99] Last but not least, one of the main leverage tools that I’m using is the use of heart rate monitors through the use of the HTP home app. So through this app, my students are able to connect their heart rate monitors and they’re able to upload workouts to me at any time of the day and this gives me a great snapshot on which students are being active on their own time. And the cool thing about this app is if a student doesn’t have a heart rate monitor or let’s say the battery died. They can still upload a workout to me using the phone as a pedometer and the app will convert their step data and step per minute data in the MVPA minutes. So that’s very valuable feedback that I’m currently using and it gives me a great, um, thought process on which students I need to email, text, or give a phone call to about either a lack of being physically active or possibly increasing the intensity of their workouts.

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