How to Perform a Curl-Up Assessment [Instructional Video]

Explaining how to perform national curl-up test to students can be difficult. The video above provides detailed, yet easy-to-comprehend instructions for completing a curl-up assessment. Use Gopher’s AssessPro Rep-Addition Curl-Up Tester to make measuring students’ abdominal strength and endurance even easier and more efficient!

Curl-Up Test Set-Up

  • To perform the curl-up test, lay down, rest your head on the mat, and straighten your arms with your palms resting on the mat.
  • The first line of the tester is a 4.5-inch test, designed for students ages 10 and up, while the second line is a 3-inch test designed for students between the ages of 5 and 9.
  • Rest your fingertips at the edge of the correct line and place your feet on the tester, keeping your feet flat to the floor. Your heels should be about 12 inches from your fingertips.
  • Press and hold the “reset” button to clear the tester to 0.


Free Downloadable Resources

View the video on the right for a full demonstration of the curl-up assessment. Click the download button to save the video to your computer for your students to follow along! Download the free audio file below.

Curl-Up Test Instructions

Once you begin the curl-up test, wait for the instructor to call out, “up,” then curl up slowly, keeping your arms straight and feet on the ground while sliding your fingers along the mat to push the big orange button. Once the tester beeps, your rep has been counted.

Slowly curl back down once the instructor says, “down”. Continue to perform curl-ups until you have to stop or record two form breaks.

Your teacher or you partner will be assessing your curl-up form and will keep track of form breaks. Once you record two form breaks, testing is complete.

Form Breaks

There are four form breaks that can occur.

  • If you do not reach up and touch your fingertips to the button.
  • Your feet lift off the ground during a curl-up.
  • Back, shoulders and head doesn’t touch the mat in-between reps.
  • Or movement is inconsistent and you are not able to keep up with the instructor.

The test is complete once you perform 75 curl-ups or you cannot continue anymore. Once testing is complete, look on the tester for your results and report your score to your teacher.

Good luck on your assessment!

Other Fitness Assessment Blogs:

3 Lead-Up PE Activities for a Successful PACER Test by Mike Graham
Fitness Testing: Helpful or Hurtful? by Carolyn Temertzoglou
How to Perform a Push-Up Assessment [Instructional Video]

Curl-Up Testing Products:

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