This is the 3rd podcast of a 4-part series in the Movement Education Model recorded by Ross Chakrian. This particular podcast gives an example of a Movement Education Model lesson and discussed how it is different from a traditional skill theme approach.
[0:03] Hey everyone, today on the PE Express podcast, we’re going to explore the third of four different sessions related to the movement education model within elementary Physical Education. Let’s get to it.
[0:31] For those of you that haven’t already checked it out, be sure to listen to the 1st and 2nd podcast in this series to give yourself a better understanding of the foundation, concepts, and elements of what the movement education model is all about. Today we’re going to compare how a movement education model type lesson differs from a traditional skill-theme approach type lesson and give you some examples of what those differences look like using the teaching content of balancing. A balancing lesson using the traditional skilled themed approach, your lesson introduction might go something like this, “Today, we’re going to practice balancing. When we balance, we want to keep our body as still as we can by doing two things, tightening our muscles and keeping our eyes focused on something stationary. Now I’m gonna do some balances and I want you to try to copy me in your space.” So while this type of lesson can certainly still be standards-based and aligned to SHAPE America grade level outcomes, it doesn’t leave much room for students development of higher order thinking, skills, creativity, or voice and choice. This is where the movement education model can be a particularly good fit if you’re looking to foster those types of values in your class.
Movement Ed Model Example
[1:45] When teaching with the movement education model, think about it being based upon the idea of ask, don’t tell. This is really the opposite of a traditional skill theme approach where you’re doing a demonstration explaining cues and then giving students time to practice. This is kind of more keen to a reproductive type of approach in education. Movement Education is a much more student-centered approach, and it’s more on the side of Mosston’s productive teaching styles, such as guided discovery and divergent discovery. So in movement education teachers present a movement problem that the students must solve related to the lessons essential question of the day by using one or multiple concepts that we reviewed in the last podcast, such as body, space, effort, or relationships.
[2:36] So here’s what a lesson introduction that emphasizes the concept of body might sound like when using the movement education model. “Today we are going to use our body to try and solve a movement problem, which is how can we use different body parts and positions to allow us to balance in different ways. In your space see if you can create a balance that you can hold still using only five body parts touching the ground. Think first about what body parts you think you can use to do this and what your body position will need to look like to create it. When you hear the Tamborine, hold your body is still as you can.” So from the intel you just heard, you can then use different question stems to allow for students to explore more potential solutions to the same problem through divergent discovery, which is what this entire movement education model is based off of.
[3:26] So another task I might give to my students from there might be, “Awesome. Now show me a different way you can balance using five body parts touching the ground. Remember, think first about what body parts you think you can use to do this and what your body position will need to look like to create it. When you hear the Tamborine, hold your body as still as you can.”
[3:47] Or even a different one from there. “Great here’s another challenge. How can you balance using five body parts touching the ground with two of them being your elbows? Think first and plan it out. When you hear the Tamborine, hold your body as still as you can.”
[4:02] And a final task I might give them. “Fantastic. Think about what the word wide means. How can you hold a balance using five body parts touching the ground while making a wide shape with your body? Remember, think first and plan it out. When you hear the Tamborine, hold your body as still as you can.”
[4:21] So now that you’re more familiar with what a movement education model lesson looks like and how it differs from a traditional skill-themed approach type lesson, be sure to tune into the next podcast in this series to learn about how to use assessment strategies within the movement education framework.