Episode Transcript:
[0:02] Hey everyone, today on the PE Express podcast, we’re going to explore the last of four different sessions related to the movement education model within elementary physical education. Let’s get to it.
[0:33] For those of you that haven’t already checked it out, be sure to listen to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd podcast in this series to give yourself a better understanding of the foundation, concepts and elements of what the movement education model is all about, as well as what a typical movement education model lesson might look like, and how that’s different from one using a traditional skill-theme approach.
[0:55] Today we’re going to discuss the importance of assessment within the movement education model and what that might look like. With the movement education model being one that is more concerned with students being able to understand and apply concepts rather than what performing a skill particularly looks like, assessment within this model might look a little bit different than what you’re used if you have typically used the traditional skill thing approach. To keep things consistent in order to illustrate this point, let’s continue to use the example from the last podcast, which was centered around the teaching content of balancing. So for a summit of assessment of balance within the traditional skill-theme approach, you as a teacher may ask a student to hold a few specific balance positions as you observe how still they’re able to hold each balance for the duration of a five-second count. This may be recorded using a checklist tool and using a rubric, A student may be given a grave based upon their performance of their balance skill.
Formative Assessment Example
[1:52] Within the context of the movement education model and in particular, the lesson example I gave during the last podcast in this series, the skill of balance was the vehicle through which students are exploring specific concepts, which were body parts and body shapes. So for a formative assessment aligned to the concept-based nature of the movement education model, I might ask my students to create a few particular balances of their choice and identify what body parts are being used in each, either through listing them out or having them draw them.
Summative Assessment Example
[2:23] For a summative assessment piece online with the movement education model, I may ask students to create a balance routine with each balance needing to use a specific body shape. For example wide, narrow, round, or twisted. And then during my observation of the routine, instead of looking to see how still there holding each balance pose like I might if I had taught this unit using a traditional skilled themed approach, I would be looking to see if they can actually apply those body shapes in the context. So is the position that they’re supposed to be using for a wide shape, actually wide? Same thing for narrow and round and twisted and so on. Their application of these concepts can be recorded using a simple yes or no checklist, which is tied to a rubric, and it could be graded if necessary.
[3:09] Assessment within the movement education model can seem a bit daunting at first, but after some practical experience trying it out, it can allow for more students to feel successful because their application of a particular concept can have many different correct options as opposed to needing to fit in a very rigid box.
[3:28] Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to this podcast series and if you have any questions related to using the movement education model in your teaching, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter. Thanks again, and I’ll see you next time.