4-Square Non-Traditional Adaptations For Physical Education
The physical education landscape is changing; from activities our students participate in outside of the classroom, uses of technology within the classroom, and options for
Create a well-rounded PE program by incorporating fitness activities, drills, and circuits into your curriculum! Blogs written by PE teachers highlight new ways to boost excitement about fitness and enhance potential among your students. You can also find ideas for organizing innovative fitness games and assessment stations.
The physical education landscape is changing; from activities our students participate in outside of the classroom, uses of technology within the classroom, and options for
In Volleyball, one of the hardest skills to teach is setting, especially with younger students! Above you’ll find a short video on how I approach
Jump rope is not just a simple childhood pastime; it’s an excellent way to keep kids active and engaged during PE. The rhythmic motion of
In the dynamic world of education, where budgets are tight and resources are often limited, Ayme Zortman, Wellness Coordinator for Mesa County Valley Schools in
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Circuit workouts are a great way to maximize activity time in PE and train a variety of muscles. The Tabata “Move it Forward” circuit (20
Stretching and Yoga are some of the most beneficial movements you can add to your PE program. Not every student is comfortable with these types
Rope training is increasing in popularity as an effective and economical tool for peak conditioning. Rope training increases muscular endurance, cardiovascular conditioning, and increases metabolism
Core training consists of conditioning the network of muscles that stabilize the spine and pelvis and run the entire length of the torso. These muscles
A tried and true staple of free-weight training, a dumbbell is the most trusted fitness tools for training total-body strength and muscle endurance. Dumbbell Cardio
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